Suicide bombing kills 16

In Somalii, the explosion destroyed two buses traveling behind the military convoy. The bus was transporting the governor as he traveled back from Mogadishu. The AI-Shaabaab was responsible for the bombing. Tourist from the US were also among the bus. The bombing came a week after a U.S airstrike killed their group leader, Ahmed Gpdane. The group has a new leader now and says the death will not affect there future attacks. Somalia has been on high alert for strikes since.

Does this affect you wanting to be a tourist in another country never knowing what could happen? Does it still make you want to travel to a different country?

Full story here 

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  • Good job replying Bailey! This is a topic that requires knowledge of Somalia and Al-Shabaab to really understand. In your summary, you just need to explain things a bit better so people understand the topic better.

  • I think that is a scary incident and that is not always going to happen. I still think it would be awesome and fun to travel. 

  • I really enjoy traveling, so I don't know completely about this. I think if you know any dangers in that country and careful where you go, I don't think that will cause some problems, so I don't think that will change my mind.

  • I wouldn't want to travel the middle east there are so many problems going on over there. A lot of places in the middle east does not like the USA and american's so I would never plan traveling there.

  • I wouldn't travel to the middle east because I have no interests there in the first place. I would travel to our allies countries such as the UK or some other European places. It is kinda scary to think about bad things happening while you're in a different country.  

    • Yeah, it is scary to think about. But it could happen anywhere.

  • I don't ever plan on traveling to the middle east, so it doesn't affect me at all. I would only travel to historical places, like the ones in Greece or France. The only place worth visiting would be the city of Jerusalem in Israel, and since I don't care about it at all, I don't see myself traveling there.

  • If you were to travel to another country, it would probably be to one that the United States is closer with. But then again it is a scary thought, because it could happen anywhere. 

    • Yes it can happen anywhere. Even in the US. 

  • I really don't plan on traveling to any other country than places in the U.S or Canada. It really doesn't affect me wanting to be a tourist in other countries as long as those countries aren't full of terrorist.

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