Today, McMaster "the national security adviser" has reassured South korea that the THAAD funding deal is still in place and that the United States will still pay for the system. . This statement has contradicted what Mr. President Donald Trump has stated recently.  The agreement that is pre existing sates that though South korea must provide the land and other supports, the United states will pay for their missile defense system.  The Key pieces to THAAD were put into place Wednesday.

Who Do you think should Pay for THAAD?

Why do you think the secretary of defense says we will pay for it?

do you support or oppose this plan?

I oppose the Idea because I believe that the united states should not have to pay for their system. I believe that our top priority at this time is to protect our own citizens. 

I think that south Korea should pay for their own system. and that the U.S. should re-prioritize.

I believe however that the secretary is merely trying to diffuse the tension between the two countries at the time and it is a fair Idea of how to do it without getting too involved.

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  • I personally don't know what THAAD is, but I assume that if it only involves North Korea, they should pay for it. Although, North Korea's government is psycho, so they might get mad if the US stops paying for it and then...well, who knows. But ya, North Korea should pay for their problems.

  • Well who ever wants it and who ever gave the idea. Because they are going to get something out of it. Probably not seeing that it has something to do with the government, I mean so much information is always left out so you don't know exactly what to trust on what they are doing.

  • I think that they should both be expected t pay some because they have to work together somehow. I think that they want to keep the waters mild and not have rages or wars or anything negative come out of the a deal. I feel that if they do only pay for it their is gonna be something negative that comes out of it. 

  • I think they should split the responsibility because us protecting both countries is a huge responsibility for us. I think he wants to keep being allies because whatever will prevent a war outbreak is the best way to go. I think its okay as long as war doesn't break out.

  • I think that they should have to pay for half of it, because we shouldn't have to protect their country and ours. I think that he wants to remain allies in the struggle against North Korea. I am okay with the deal, because i wouldn't want North Korea to be launching missiles at them or us.

  • I think the South korea should have to pay there problem because its really not the US problem to pay for it. The united state has to pay for more things and they should have to worry about pay for the South Koreas. 

  • I think if the plan is being put in place in South Korea then they should pay for most of it, but I don't know much about the situation. I think the secretary of defense said this in order for us to have a good relationship with South Korea. I support this plan because as long as we have a good relationship with South Korea, then we can keep an eye on North Korea.

  • I think that South Korea should pay because it is there system and the US has more important this to pay. They have more evidence and support on why we should pay for it. They are more informed of the problem. I don't think this because South Korea should have to pay because it's their defense. 

  • I oppose as well because the united states has better things to spend there money on. I also think that South Korea should pay for it instead of the united states paying for it.  I also think that the only reason the the United States is just to not causes any problems and also trying to keep everyone happy with out causing any problems.

  • I think that South Korea should pay because it is there system, even though it is still protecting us. Because they have more evidence and support on why we should pay for it, they are more informed of the problem. I don't support this, because South Korea should need to pay because it's there defense. 

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