Should you be required to take a drivers ed class?

In Iowa you have to be able to take a drivers education class in order to receive your intermediate driver's license. This class helps you learn about the safety of driving. 


One pretty good thing about taking a drivers ed class is that you will be able to get more experience and learn alot of new things before you get on the road. Certain states require this class to be taken in order to receive your license at the age of 16. You will get more comfortable and become confident in it. When you get to be older it can help you become safer on the road for yourself and others.


A negative thing about being required to take this class is that the cost of it can be very high and some people are not able to afford it like others. With the cost being so high some kids do not get the experancie like others do and it can have an impact on others. 


I personally think that people should be required to take a drivers ed class in order to get there license. Reason for that would be they could get the experience and will be able to be more safe for themselves along with other drivers on the road.   


Should all states require a driver's education class?


Do you think that drivers ed will benefit you in the future?


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  • I think every state should require drivers ed because it teaches you the basics of driving and techniques that will help you in the future. Drivers ed teaches you what road signs mean, how to change a flat tire. It helps to not have crazy drivers. 

  • I think drivers ed shouldn't be required anywhere in the United States at all. I think you should be able to take 3 test in a row without failing. Drivers ed might benefit more in the future but its best to learn by doing, and practicing. So that's why I think drivers ed shouldn't be required.

  • I think you should have to take drivers ed, because you need to actually learn how to drive before you do it. If you don't want to take it, then don't drive. Taking it helps people understand drving even more. It keeps driving safer.

  • I think drivers ed will benefit you in the future because there are people out there that don't know how to drive. But I think they should lower the price to take drivers ed because there are some people that don't have the money to take the class. 

  • I think that students should have to take a drivers ed class. I think this because there are drivers out there that have no idea what they are doing and they cause accidents. Drivers ed teaches you what and what not to do. I think that drivers ed benefits everyone who takes it becuase it shows them ceratin situations that they could face.

  • I think that all states should require drivers ED before you get your liscence the reason for this is we don't want a whole bunch of kids out on the road with little to no experience at all and that can be potentially very dangerous and cause many more accidents and deafs. I do think drivers ed should be requiired bnut I also really do think that drivers ed should be cheaper for all the kids that struggle finacially.

  • I think that you should take drivers ed before driving. Driver ed teach a lot of things before driving. it teach you all of the signs and teach how to drive. But I also think they should put in affordable price.

  • I feel as if though drivers ed should be available for everyone to take at a decreased cost than what it is now. Having people be uneducated on how to drive but still being on the road is not helping anyone. I've already taken drivers ed and it has definitely benefited me as I'm a lot more confident with my driving abilities compared to before I started taking drivers ed.

  • Yes, I think everyone should take a driver's education class. Because, those classes teach you a lot of stuff you need to know before you start driving on your own. I think if people were to not take them then there would be a lot more car accidents and a lot more road related deaths. I also think old people should be required to take it as well if they never did becasue some old people do not know how to drive. 

    • I agree with you that if you didn't take a class there would be more acidents.

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