As you can see there are many people who go out for sports, but there are also many students who are failing some classes and are in sports. Most schools say that if you are failing a class or classes you can not play the sport for a week or two. It just keeps you more focused on your homework and classes, so instead of going to practice after school or games then you go to the teacher you need help from. Our school checks our grades about once a quarter to see if we are failing a class and if we are we can't play sports for a few games. It used to be every Monday that they would check grades then they changed it. Do you think that is better for the students?


Lots of research says that students in Harford County Public Schools can fail up to 6 classes in four years of high school and still earn a Maryland diploma. But the local school board voted to adopt the more stringent No Pass/No Play rule, by gradually limiting the number of classes a student could fail and still participate in extracurricular activities. It used to be if you were failing two classes you could but then it was one and then none. Most schools are this way because graduating is more important even though lost of schools want you to go out for sports but they also need you caught up in your classes.

Lots of parents punish their children by grounding them or taking something away from them when they have bad grades or are failing a class. So that gives them a chance to change and focus more on their grades. Sometime it's not the best option to take things away from their child, a lot of kids love sports and that's their way of getting out of the house, letting everything go and just being a kid. Sports can really help a kid develop new things, but it can also take the benefit away from their learning. I think that graduating from high school is more important than playing sports and focusing on them a lot more. If you can’t do sports and have good grades I don’t think its best for you.


Kids shouldn't be able to play if they fail a class because it teaches the child that the commitments he or she made when they became a member of a sports team really are not important enough that they can't be broken. It also deprives the child of the chance to learn new skills that may actually improve academic performance.




Have you ever had to sit out of a game or two becasue of your classes? 


If you are in a sport do you ever struggle with homeowork/grades and the sport? 


If you don't do sports what are your thoughts on this?,may%20actually%20improve%20academic%20performance.,become%20a%20money%2Dmaking%20business. 

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  • I haven't ever had to sit out of a sport because of a failing class, but I think if you are failing a core class you need to sit out until you get your grade up in that class. But if you are failing an elective class I don't think you should have to sit out, because when you picked the class it might have been harder than you thought.

    • I agree, but you could still drop that calss and take a different one gthat is better for you

  • I think that if you are failing a class you should be able to sit out for a game or so like if you're failing one class you should be able to sit out for a game and if you're failing two classes you should be able to sit out for two games. Some students struggle with grades/homework and they should get their grade up for they can play sports and not sit the bench.

    • I think they shouldnt fail either way, if youre in a sport you should know you need good vgrades 

  • I think that if a student has a failing grade then i think the student sould get a warning about your grades. The student should get a week to fix their grades before they are forced to sit out. 

    • They should know about how bad their grades are already, its hard to be failing more than one class unless you arent even trying one bit. 

  • I have never had to sit out because of my grades, and I have never struggled with my grades either. But I think and have always thought that if you are a student athlete you schooling should always come first. If you are failing a class you should not be playing the sport until the grade comes back up.

    • I agree, and when they are failing they let the whole team down

  • I think that if you encourage kids to get in the sport, have them come to all of the practices, but not let them play in the games because their failing in some class that might not even have anything to do with what they are going to do when their older making it a waste of time is just odd. However, I can see where they are coming from if it is a class that their are struggling in and NEED help with then I can see that but if it's just a really big assignment that you flunked but can easily make up the grade I don't see the purpose in sitting them out because as you said, " a lot of kids love sports and that's their way of getting out of the house" which can make a kid way healthier in the long run even if it's just 1 sport season per year.

    • I agree, and if they are at practice it will also make them get their grades up becasue they miss out on it or even coach will make them run becasue of their grades.

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