Should we Sell Wyoming?

Wyoming is an extremely low population state and is home to wonderous national parks such as Yellowstone. However, what exactly is Wyoming offering to the US as of right now? Currently Wyoming's main ways to gain money is from mining, tourism, and farming, but are these significant enough to avoid what some people would like to happen to Wyoming? Many people see Wyoming as a state that serves little to no purpose, and we would be better off if we simply sold it to Canada. However, if Wyoming were to be removed from the US the consequences on the economy, farming, and coal industries would be detrimental in the US.


Now, why are people saying we should sell Wyoming? Well, it comes down to a loss gain scenario, some people believe that Wyoming is receiving too much money and not producing enough in return. Currently the state is receiving ~1 billion dollars in state funding from the federal government, but only produced 1.5 billion. However, what some people did not account for was that 1.5 billion only came from agriculture. They seemed to ignore the 2 other massive industries in Wyoming, which include tourism, which made 3.5 billion in 2017, and over 1 billion in coal mining. Wyoming is making the country over 5 billion in revenue even though its population is only 740,000. 


Wyoming also has some of the largest industries within the country. It currently produces the majority of the country’s coal supplies, accounting for 304 million tons of coal in a single year, with over 1 trillion tons of coal in reserves, making up just over 40% of the nation's coal supplies. Another thing that it plays a huge role in the country for is farming, having mainly farmland that produces wheat and oats. They are one of the top producers of those items. So, while Wyoming might not have many people that reside within it, it still has an extremely important role in the economy and wellbeing of the country, and if we were to sell it we would definitely lose more than we gain.


Should the US consider selling Wyoming? Why or why not? 


Would you call Wyoming an important state? In what terms? 




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  • I believe that we should not sell Wyoming. Even though it doesnt offer many benifial things to the rest of the states it is still somwhere we can put stuff if we ever need a government storage system. It would also be a bad idea to let another country buy part of the united states. It gives them the chance to get into America and let other contries in that we dont want here.

  • I don't think we should sell Wyoming. Wyoming is home to over 12,000 ranches, that produce several cattle for the U.S's meat market. This brings in money for the U.S. As you said, Wyoming also produces the most coal, this also helps the U.S's economy. So overall Wyoming plays its role in the U.S, and wouldn't be reasonable to sell.

  • I would not sell Wyoming because it provides 40 percent of the nations coal supplys and made one billion in farming. I think every state is important whether it tourism, farming, and so on they're all here for a reason so yes Wyoming is just as important as the 49 states.

  • I think that selling wyoming to canada wouldnt be a good idea. Even though whyoming might not return as much money in some catagories keeeping it in the United states will be the most benificial thing to do. Just like you said wyoming brings in a lot of coal, farming and mining. It also brings in a lot of money from tourist.  So i think if it produces enough money to keep everything on track we should keep it how it is. 

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