Should we legalize the selling of Human Organs?

Should we legalize the selling of Human Organs?


6,500 global deaths every year. If you are in desperate need of a new Organ or kidney, how far would you go to get one? Well in the US and many other countries selling these vital organs is considered illegal. Numerous American citizens need these organs to live, and they must pay an excruciating amount because their country does not offer legal organ sales. Legalizing human organ sales would be good for America's medical economy by lowering the cost of medical procedures and imported supplies, it would open a new world of business and entrepreneurship, and strengthen our medical system as a whole. 


The costs of organ transplants have increased over many years due to backups on the organ waiting list. Today over 100,000 people are waiting for vital organs, and over 15 people die each day on the organ waiting list. Making it legal for Americans to sell vital organs would help cure the number of people that die on the waiting list while also lowering the cost of these procedures. With a shorter distance to import organs and a higher in-country supply, there will be more available for those who need them most. 


If there was a law passing the sale of organs, that could open up many opportunities for entrepreneurs to open a business trying hospitals and medical centers all over the United States. This could be a great way to employ more people all over the USA and make the process of transporting and distributing these organs more efficient and safe. Though this line of work may be controlled by the government, I think that this would still be a great way to include more American citizens in the country's workforce. 


America could also benefit from this new area of healthcare. The US is ranked last overall for medical care in the entire world. If America got more invested in legalizing Vital Organ sales, this country would become more advanced and better treat those who are suffering; raising the country's overall medical status. Of course, there are still many other things that will need to improve, but joining the many other countries that are legalizing the selling of organs will be good for our country.


Some people may argue that selling human organs is inhumane; however, there could be so much go0d done by legalizing this. More people receive the care that they need, and patients will not need to pay an exorbitant amount of money to get the care they need. 


America is one of the few countries that does not allow for legal organ sales. I see a way for America to prosper from this. Passing a law to legalize the selling of human organs would not only be good for the budgets of the patients, but also for employment, entrepreneurship, and providing care at a faster and more efficient rate, to help the many people on the Organ waiting list.


What do you think?

Should America legalize the selling of human Organs?

Would American-sold organs lower their overall surgery cost?

How much should an organ transplant cost?



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  • I dont think that sounds very safe. With scamming and everything the people that buy them to save money will most likely have to get it fixed and end up paying that money anyways. I think it will also increase murder cause people will want other peoples organs to sell. 

  • In my opinion, I do not think legalizing the sale of organs would be good and should be sold.  I think that a lot of people who are desperate for money will do it and then if they need it later on they would not have it and would have to rely on someone else for the organ they need. 

    • I agree. Legalizing organ sales would do so much good for the country. I understand that our government will be more in debt but I feel like this is a necessary step for our country. I also agree that self-reliance is mandatory for all people's evolution in society and life. 

  • I dont think we should because it could cause crimes and murders that are used just to get their organs and sell them for money. If I am dead and dont need my organs then I would let someone have them but if Im alive I would not becasue of all that could happen if I odnt have them. 

  • I'm not quite sure what I should think about selling organs. I've heard of organ donating before but not selling. If I'm dead and don't need my organs anymore and someone is really in need of it, I wouldn't want them to pay my family who is still alive money for my organs. I would rather like to donate it. 

  • I don't think legalizing the sale of organs would be good. It could cause so many different scenarios, like murdering people just to sell their organs. It could also cause people to price gauge already suffering people, just because they know they need the organ. 

    • I agree partly. I think that you may have a good point about organ murders. However, when you talked about how it could cause people to price gauge people that are suffering, that is what people are already having to do, but in this case, people needing an organ will not have to pay and an excruciating amount of money like before. 

  • I think that selling human organs legally sounds like it would be good for the economy, at first. Think about people who are in a pinch, they need money. And look, they can sell organs and make a good profit, plus they would be helping so many people. So, they kill someone for the money, or there are terrible people want to get rich and they find the means to get organs to sell. When people get organ transplants, they are safe, and made sure that the donor organ is healthy and is in good condition, when you don't know who's it is, where it is form, and how healthy the organ is, I, along with many others, would find it very sketchy and less likely to get one. 

  • I don't think that it would be a good idea to sell human organs.  I think that it would get bad and there could be some crime that derives from selling human organs.  I think in order to keep people safe,  it would be a good idea to keep selling of human organs illegal

    • I agree with some of what you said. I do think that there could be crime uprisings of murders using the victim's organs to sell and gain money. But I am sure that there would need to be a check on the background status to make sure that the organ has not been stolen or stripped from someone.

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