Militaries have increasingly opened combat roles to women, but there have been some critics warning this will lower standards and effectiveness. There has been historical evidence suggesting integrating women into combat roles would not impact effectiveness, and perhaps even increase it under certain circumstances. There has been study done that Women are more effective in some circumstances than men. Allowing women to serve in combat roles doubles the talent pool for delicate and sensitive jobs that require interpersonal skills not every soldier has. Women should be able to serve in combat roles if they can pass phsyical test like mens can. There is also talk that women are not as physical as most women are.


         There are many different pros and cons. That all women are not physically capable like men are. There has been a study that women suffer higher injury rates. Also another con is that getting pregnant can affect the deployability. Another con is that women say they are capable of all of physically, mentally, morally capable of leading combat operations when they're not. Pro is that it gives women leadership and team building skills.


Do you think women should be allowed to serve in combat roles?

Do you think women are capable to handle all the requirement?




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  • I think that women should be allowed to serve in combat roles to a certain point. I believe that if a woman chooses to fight for her country, she should be allowed to do as she chooses. I think that giving women an equal chance at serving the country is a great idea because our military needs all of the help it can get.

  • I think women should be allowed to serve in combat if they're well-prepared and trained for the role. Women aren't naturally as strong or fast as men, so I see this as a challenge for some women. I don't know if some women can handle all the requirements because women struggle more physically to do things men can do easily.

  • I think that if women are trained well and would like to, they should be able to serve in combat. Many women may struggle with their requirements. You must be trained in your field and know what you are doing. I do not see many women wanting to go into combat.

  • Well in the military, either males or females can join. I really don't think it would matter if women serve combat roles. There should be atlest some training to make sure they can do it safely. In the military, I think you get trained so you can be  physically do stuff too. 

  • In my opinion, I think women should be able to serve in combat roles as long as they pass the tests needed. A lot of people think that men are stronger, faster, and just way better at things rather than women. Some of them are but women should still have the chance to try.

  • gender should not matter when it comes to combat. if anyone is willing to put their life at risk and protect us then it shouldn't matter if you are a girl or a boy. if you're willing and able to serve then you should do what you want. gender should not determine if you can fight or not.

  • I think that women should be able to serve in combat roles if they pass the physical test. Men are stronger than women so that can leave women to disandvantages to being in combat but i would rather have someone strang and able to fight in combat. 

  • I believe that women should have a fair chance at serving in combat roles if they have the same qualifications a man has to have. I think that women could do the job if that certain women was mentally and physically strong like some men. 

  • In my opinion, women should be able to serve in combat roles if they are willing. If they are capable and can pass the physical test, they why shouldn't they be able to join? Because men are generally stronger than women, the requirements would be more physically demanding for some women, but many are perfectly capable and can be stronger than men. I also believe that women should be given the same opportunities that men get.

    • I agree with i think women should be able to serve in combat roles if they are willing. I agree with you i think if your capable and can pass the physical test. I agree with the requirement would be more physically demanding for some women.

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