Should the legal age to drive be lowered to 14?

First, the biggest reason Iowa doesn’t lower the legal age to drive is because of all the safety concers people have with teens. They believe that once you hit age 16 you are closer to being an adult. Iowans believe that two years of driving on one route “school permit” is a good start for teenagers who are starting to drive. In my opion if you pass drivers ed and get a school permit, you should be able to drive wherever you want. If they trust you to drive to school, they should let you drive wherever. Fourteen year olds are more than responsible enough to drive if they passed drivers ed. 


Second, some people think that the legal driving age should stay the same, even go up to eighteen. People don’t believe that teenagers should be driving on their own, until they are an adult. Older people wanted to not have teenagers be able to drive because they don’t want to get hit. In my opion older people shouldn’t be able to drive once they hit a certain age. Not saying that old people shouldn’t drive but the roads are very dangerous for older people. Research shows that teenagers are a huge cause of most accidents on the road. 


Should the driving age be lowered? Why?


Do you drive wherever on a learners permit?


If so, what age should it be lowered to?

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  • Good topic choice Caden! I do think your summary is a bit brief and be sure to comment a bit more as well.

  • In my opinion, I don't think the driving age should be lowered to fourteen. I think this because they are too young to be driving wherever they want, and they need more experience. When I had my learner's permit I drove to school and back that was it.  I think the driver's age should stay the same at sixteen. 

  • In my opinion, I do not believe that the driving age should be lowered. I believe this because giving free-roam to younger, more irrisponsible people, could cause more acccidents or they could abuse their power. I do, however, believe that if 14 year olds have a job, then they should be able to drive to work, because it is as important as school. Personally, I have a learners permit and I only drive to school or the gas station without a parent.

  • I think that students should be able to have a wider range because there are kids that start working at 14. Having a job shows responsibilty, especially at 14. Driving is a privilege and can be taken away if it is abused. This could be like being out late, racing other people, or even getting into too many crashes.

  • I have mixed feelings about this because I feel its a bad idea because they are less responsible. But then again it is also a good idea because then they could get around by themselves easily. I think that it should stay at 16 and not change.

  • No, I don't believe it should be any lower than 14. Driving is dangerous enough even with all the things that distract drivers today and even driving with people who are even experienced enough.  There is a big maturity difference between 14 and 16 year olds. I feel it should stay the way it currentally is. 

  • I do not think the driving age should be lowered to 14 because I don't think that is a responsible age. I only drive with my parents on a learners permit. They will not allow me to go wherever with a learners permit and I do not want to get my permit takent away if I get caught. I think 16 is the right age to have a drivers license.

  • I don't think that driving age should be lowerd because I don't think that 14 year old's should be driving on the road. I think that kids that are 14 should not be driving.

  • In my personal opinion, I do not believe that the legal driving age should be lowered to fourteen years old. I think that it is fine where it is. In my experience fourteen is just too young to legally be allowed to drive anywhere they want. I think that there is a big difference in maturity between fourteen year olds and sixteen year olds.

  • I believe it should be lowered because you get your permit at 14 and then you have to wait 2 years to get your license i just feel that's a long time to wait and not be able to drive on your own otherwise if your younger then you need a parent to get in the car with you and go where you need to go but I feel its just a waste of time.

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