Should the drinking age be lowered?

The drinking age is 18 in 65% of the world. The lowest drinking age in the world is 15, but some countries don’t even have a limit. There are many pros and cons to lowering the drinking age. In the U.S there are some state-by-state expectations like consumption at home, under adult supervision, and medical necessity. In the United States, the legal majority for almost everything else is 18. For example, the voting age, enrolling in the military, and you can get married or signing almost any legal document without a parents consent when you turn 18. 


By the time 60% of people are 18 they would have had at least one alcoholic drink. That shows that most people already drink alcohol. I think that part of so many underage people drinking is the thrill of breaking the law. If we lowered the drinking age then it could solve many more problems. People tend to use fake I.Ds and can get in more trouble because they are doing more illegal stuff.


I think the drinking age should be lowered. I think it will help stop someone from drinking and driving accidents, I say this because if you are allowed to drink then you can stay wherever you are drinking whereas if you are underage then you would have to drive home or leave before anything happens. If you are allowed to get drafted into the military, you should be able to decide what you put in your body. One of the biggest reasons was that kids would show up to school drunk, I think that if a student comes to school with alcohol in them then they could get a public intoxication and should be sent home.


Do you think that the drinking age should be lowered?

If so what age do you think it should be lowered to?

Why do you think the drinking age should be lowered/stay the same?



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  • I think that the drinking age should be lowered to 18. But even lowering the drinking age the driving accidents won't go down and some kids under 18 drink but it's also up to the driver. When a person turns 18 that means there are so many different things that they are introduced too. I think that since they'll live on their own they should learn more things that will come to them.

    • Studies have shown that if the driver, who has been drinking, are more likely to stay were they are if they are above the legal age.

  • I think the drinking age could be lowered to 18. But lowering the drinking age wouldn't help the drinking and driving accidents go down that choice is on the driver. When a person turns 18 and so many different things are introduced like enlisting in the miltary and voting mind you all adult things then being allowed to drink at that age should be allowed too.

    • I agree, it should be lower.

  • i dont think drinking age should be lowered. It too big of a risk for highschool students. Most students do it no matter what anyways, but lowering it even more will cause even more underage drinkning.

    • Not even close to all high schoolers will be allowed to drink. Most students don't turn 18 until after they graduate. So it wouldn't even affect most high schoolers. And, no, it won't cause underage drinking because the people who are underage drinking will be old enough. 

  • I think that they should lower the drinking age to 18. If 18 year olds are able to go into the military and be classifide as an adult they should have enough responsibility to drink. When you are 18 you should be responsible enough to drink. I think it will lower the number of under age drinking also. 

    • I agree, if you are considered an adult then they should be able to decide what you put in your body.

  • I think that the drinking age should be lowered to the age of 18. I feel that if you can vote, enroll for the military, and do a lot of other things at the age of 18, then why not be able to drink at the age of 18. When your at 18, you are mainly responsible for yourself and able to make your own decisions.

    • I agree, if you can vote and enroll in the military you should be able to drink.

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