When entering your school, what is the first thing you have to do? Well I know for most of the students at HCHS they go to their classes, use the restrooms, or eat breakfast. But that may not be the case for all kids in public school. 

A wide range of children have to go through security before entering their schools. Some schools believe that this keeps their students and their staff much safer. But how much time is this exactly taking out of the students learning time? Schools that have their students go through security have each of their students spend an average of 10 minuties each going through security. This takes up 10 minutes of each students time that they could have spent, using the restrooms, asking teachers for help with homework, or eating breakfast, this can cause the students to also be late for class if they show up 5 minutes early for school. 

But doesn't this mean the school is safer? This does make the school some what safer. It can detect any type of dangerous object that someone might want to bring into the school. This lowers school shootings and school threats, causing less worry for the students. Student's may be agaisnt this because some object that they have to bring into the school may cause the detectors to go off. That would cause them to spend more time then what they are already spending going through security. 

In my opinion, students shouldn't have to go through security. But if they make threats to the school and any type of harmful actions then they should have to go though some types of security before entering the school. Over all, it would take up to much of the students time and may not be in the budget for the school. 

Do you think students should have to go through security? why or why not? 

Should it come out of the school budget?



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  • I think that students shouldn't have to go thorugh security because our school is very small and close together. I understand that bigger schools in places that are predominant for shootings may use security only to keep their kids safe. Places like California have used security factors for years. Though, there still may be shootings in those places.

  • I don't think that students should have to go through security. In some schools, where shootings have been before, it might make sense. However, if your school is pretty safe anyways then I don't see any reason for security controls because it just would be more work for the staff and students.

  • I think maybe in areas with high crime and more odds that there would be a school shooting because its not rare to have those especially in america. Even though we have to do lockdown drills in school every so often in our school I've never been through something like that. But like I said its not uncommon for a school shooting to happen so maybe? But it would take up so much time and there would have to be a schedule lengthen I'm sure because of how long it might take and if there's complications with it too.

  • I don't think we should have to go through security because maybe they are running late to school and that might slow them down, as well as waste some time out of your learning. yes because if they want it in the school they should pay for it themselves. 

  • I don't think students should have to go through security to get into school. I think it would be a waste of time and a waste of money on the equipment and people doing it. I think a lot of things kids carry would set off an alarm and it would take forever just to get into school and there wouldn't be much of a point ot it.

  • I don't think students should go through secuwrity before going into the school. I personally will think it will be a waste of time and the schools are always so worried about not having kids miss school and its very costly. 

    • I agree, it would be a waste of time for the students and not all would be okay with it. It would also cost a lot and may be hard for the school to balance its payments with this subject. 

  • I do not think students should have to go through security before school. I think it would be a waste of money and resources. If it were to happen I'm not sure who would pay for it. I think it would waste time and could cause students to be late to class, in the morning everyone usually comes in at the same time so you would have to wait in line for a very long time. 

  • I think that schools should require students to go through security before school. Though not having a 10 min search for each student, that is just obscne. I think going through a simple metal detector before school would be fine. If the school thinks its a good idea to put metal detectors in school to keep students safer, it should come out their budget. It would be a very well spent investment.  

    • Yes, I totally agree with you. I do think that students should have to go through some type of small security before entering the school. But going through a 10 minute process would just be way to much for the students. 

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