When entering your school, what is the first thing you have to do? Well I know for most of the students at HCHS they go to their classes, use the restrooms, or eat breakfast. But that may not be the case for all kids in public school. 

A wide range of children have to go through security before entering their schools. Some schools believe that this keeps their students and their staff much safer. But how much time is this exactly taking out of the students learning time? Schools that have their students go through security have each of their students spend an average of 10 minuties each going through security. This takes up 10 minutes of each students time that they could have spent, using the restrooms, asking teachers for help with homework, or eating breakfast, this can cause the students to also be late for class if they show up 5 minutes early for school. 

But doesn't this mean the school is safer? This does make the school some what safer. It can detect any type of dangerous object that someone might want to bring into the school. This lowers school shootings and school threats, causing less worry for the students. Student's may be agaisnt this because some object that they have to bring into the school may cause the detectors to go off. That would cause them to spend more time then what they are already spending going through security. 

In my opinion, students shouldn't have to go through security. But if they make threats to the school and any type of harmful actions then they should have to go though some types of security before entering the school. Over all, it would take up to much of the students time and may not be in the budget for the school. 

Do you think students should have to go through security? why or why not? 

Should it come out of the school budget?



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  • In my opinion, I think that all schools should be required to have this. It would be beneficial for the schools and it could keep them safe. School shootings have grown over the years and usually the shooter is a student, so this security would have stopped them. 

    • Yes, I agree with you 100%. But this is also wasting so much of the students time. So while it may keep certain parts of the school safe, it may not fix everything that the schools may be looking to fix with gaining security.

  • If we have to go through security everyday before school, it would not feel safe. People would think that we would feel more safe, however the fact that children would have to be searched everyday. That feeling would not make me feel safe at all. 

    • I understand where you are coming from and how much it can personally affect you. It may make some kids feel safer but also make the others not feel as safe. It may also be stepping over the line of some students personal space. 

  • I think not all students should not have to go through secruity. If school is a safe place they students should not have to go through security. Some students might be scared coming to school and having to go through secruity to get into a "safe" place. 

  • Personally, I don't think all students should have to go through security everyday. If it wasn't a safe school/person with mulitple threats then they should have one. It takes time away from the students and could make them come earlier. Students already have so much to do in the mornings and this is just adding to it. 

  • In my opinion, I think that all schools should be required to have this. It would be beneficial for the schools and it could keep them safe. School shootings have grown over the years and usually the shooter is a student, so this security would have stopped them.  

  • I think that there should be some sort of security, but it should be very minimal so that you don't really notice it. If you were to be patted down every time you entered or exited the school it would be an invasion of students' privacy, however many students often carry things they aren't supposed to. I think that if security was added it should be taken out of the school's budget, as it'd be an update.

    • I completely agree with you. School's secruity has so much room for improvments, but some aren't always needed to be done. It may invade some students privacy. A school gaining security may also no have the money for it. Or they may get it and have to take money out of the budget that they will be spend too much time paying back. 

  • Yes, because you can never be too careful. You never know what people might bring into your school. Yes, I feel as though the school has enough fundraisers and money from all the sporting events admissions over the years. 

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