Should School Be Online?

Going to school has been one of the biggest complaints from teens and children for decades. There have been so many arguments to try and compromise for their wants. Starting school later, having shorter days, and even having a shorter school year. Granted these could be put into action, but would it be easier to just have an online course?

Going chronically online has many pros and cons. Some advantages to this would be, being able to go at your own pace. Many students struggle to keep up with some of the students in class, but if they weren’t to be compared to other students, many would feel more comfortable and open with their own school work. A lot of students can’t keep up with the teacher. Everybody learns differently and at their own pace, so being able to control how much you do could also be good, obviously requirements would still have to be met. A disadvantage would be that, with an online course, there is no emotion put in with the grading. No later deadlines, everything must be done on time, and there would be no partial credit.

I personally wouldn’t want to go online. Many would argue that you get more sleep, and would have better learning opportunities being able to take your time, but I like socializing. I prefer having a connection with my teachers and peers. 


Would you want to go to school online?

What would your biggest complaint be?

Do you think it would be worth it?

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    • I agree, I like being able to see my friends, and most of the time they're the ones helping me with my school work.

  • I would want to go to online school partically. This way you can get some classes done faster than normally, but you can also interact with students when taking your inperson classes. I biggest complaint would be not being able to be social with my online classmates. But in the long run I do think it would be worth it.

    • I didn't even think about this. I agree with you, the students could be on some sort of A B schedule. I think there are many benefits to going online and staying in school.

  • I wouldn't want to go online. I like being surrounded by my peers and being able to have things checked by my peers. It just gives a bigger perspective by people who have the same or almost the same brain development as you. Online school would eventually become a hassle for some people, and they could potentially forget to do it.

    • I couldn't agree more, I love being around my friends, I'm gonna be honest, I talk A LOT, and I don't know what I would do if I couldn't talk to my friends.

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