Should Pit Bulls Be Banned?

Do you think that Pit Bulls should be banned from the United States. I think that they shouldn’t because they are living things just like us. People think that they are mean because of they breed but its not. They are mean because the way they are treated or was treated. 


People debate on whether they should get one or not because of the history of them. Pit Bulls did use to be used for dog fighting and guard dogs. People thinking they should be banned well just think that if any dog bits people or other dogs well every dog does that. Cites state that “banning dogs should not be banned because they have been by you side for how long”. Thats basically saying that dogs have been everyones best friends for how long and now were just gonna ban them.

Shoud Pit Bulls be banned?

How do you feel about this?

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  • I don't think that pit bulls should be banned just for the fact that there are more dangerous animals that are kept as pets. And if you could work with the pit bulls once you get them or even when the are just born you could start working with them and make them in to a good pet.

    • I agree that if we cant have pitbulls then why can we have other dangrous animals.

  • I don't think pit bulls should be banned because i get that they can be dangrous and harm people but its not fully there fault. fight is in there body thats how they where bred, but if you work with pit bulls enough and if they are raised right they can be one of the nicest dogs you can have.

    • I agree that the way they act isn't just their fault its about how they were treated.

  • I don't think that pit bulls should be banned. They are actually very sweet dogs, it is usually their environment that makes them aggressive. At the end of the day, they are just animals, people need to treat them better. 

    • I agree that they are very nice days unless the way they were treated bad or trained bad.

  • Although pitbulls can be very dangerous. At the end of the day, a pitbull is a dog. And all dogs should be treated the same, (in most cases). Although, I think that the only people that should be allowed to own them should be those who have proven to be secure and protective owners. 

    • I agree that no matter what happens pitbulls are dogs and have lives just like us.

  • I don't think pit bulls should be banned from the United States. The agression of a dog depends on the owner of the dog and how they treat the animal. If you purposely train a dog to be aggressive all the time thats how it's gonna act but if you train it to be in public without biting others than its a perfect dog.

    • I agree that the act of dog is the way the owner treats them and trains them.

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