Should Medical School cost less?



$250,000 to $331,000 in total and $25,000 to $55,000 in tuition! How much are you willing to pay for an education in your desired future pathway? Medical schools are one of the steps in medical education needed to become an anesthesiologist, physician, or surgeon. There are many people in the world with a passion for helping those who need medical attention however they can not afford to pay for medical school. Many people struggle to pay their debt off. In fact, many have to work to pay it off after they graduate, not to mention that there is a shortage of medical assistance in hospitals across the world. 


Medical Schools have become more expensive over the years due to an expansion in learning. Universities have become more complex with the materials and technologies being used to teach. Savvy Pre-med stated that “it’s very expensive to train a doctor in the U.S., and it’s only getting more expensive as the field and its technology evolve” Ryan Kelly, 2019.


Debt is often associated with medical school. explains that 80% of all medical students are in debt. Before medical school, students must take 4 years in an undergraduate/college degree, before proceeding onto medical school. This alone may leave some people in debt. This along with medical school costs can be a lot for people to handle. Most students have $70,000 to $120,000 worth of debt after they graduate. 


America and many other nations around the world are running on a shortage of healthcare professionals. This is all the more reason to encourage people to join pre-med and medical schools. Many people are turned away from the career path when they see how much money it takes to follow the steps. Making medical schools more affordable would be a great way to help draw in more able-bodied people and medically interested people.


I think that the costs of medical school should be dropped. I understand the technology and tuition needed to pay for the materials, the amount of debt owed by our future doctors, and how badly our world needs more care providers, but medical professionals are highly valued and respected persons that our country and the rest of the world need more of. 

What do you think?


Why do you think Medical School costs so much?


Should the cost of Medical School be lowered?


What should the new total cost for Medical School be?


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  • I don't think medical school should cost this much. I don't thinks its very fair. The furture doctors have to go to a four year collage, then medical school, and then residencey. They don't make much money until after residency. If we want doctors in our country then the price to go to school shoudn't cost so much.

    • I agree, Doctors do go through a lot of work in order to become highly respected workers. The long hours of studying and hard work are shown when others come to you for answers, and you get to help those who really need it. Also, medical school students built up a crazy amount of debt with pre-med, medical school, and then residency, so taking a slight load off of the debt would not be a bad thing.

  • I think tuiton should be lowered because many medical schools only teach you to treat certain things and not teach you how to truly help instead of just giving out medications. I understand technology is expensive but it should still be lowered and allow students to focus on school more rather than money.

  • In my opinon I think medical school should be lowered a bit to a resonable price. I feel that it should'nt cost to much because after school we are not getting paid as much as medical school costs. I think medical school cost alot because of the programs and classes and the different types of thing you have to learn to become a doctor or something in the midical feild. I think the price to go into the medical feild should be at least lowered about 15-18,000.

  • In my opinion, medical school should not cost as much as it is. I think the cost should be lower, we have a huge number of nurses we need in our hospitals. At the same time many of the nurses that we don't have quit, they didn't enjoy picking up the slack of doctors or needed work. 

    • I completely agree! Our country is in desperate need of medical professionals. I think that in the near future medical schools will realize this and change the overall cost of their tuition.  This new change should attract more people to apply to medical schools all across the world and soon the medical provider problem will be solved. 

  • I think the cost of many schools and colleges after high school should be lowered. Schools take advantge of young adults who have less finacial experince than adults. 

  • I think that medical school should not cost as much as it does. I think that the costs should be lowered so that we can help those wanting to go into the healthcare field have a better opportunity at achievig their goals without getting frustrated or turned off by the cost. I think that with technology always changing that there is a reason behind why it is so expensive, but with more people going with the amount lowered it would allow more people to help and not be in so much debt.

  • I think that the tuition should be lowered so doctors arent spent paying off debt for many years. I think if it was lowered there would be a lot more people going to school for that if they didn't think they could afford it. However, I understand why it is expensive because they have to use very big equipment to practice and learn on. 

    • I agree, I also think that more people would be able to attend medical schools if the prices would be lowered. Many people who go into schooling end up coming out with debt. I would like to think that if these schools could get a grant form the government to help pay for the educational materials and machnery the prices of tuition would be lowered. 

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