Should every high-school grade have open campus?

First of all what is open campus? Open campus is where students will be able to leave school premises and they can be gone for that class/lunch period depending on what they have and when they have open campus. But as long if the student doesn't have any classes or enrolled in any classes to take, also they have to sign out and they can leave and once they come back they have to sign back in and they can go to their next class. Some schools have open campus when he/she is a junior or senior and they have completed the classes they needed for high-school and when you go into college you'll have open campus. I personally think that open campus is good and I think that they shouldn't take it away and it also helps with people's work. 


Open campus is a also a good thing to prove that who's responsible and to see if they can come to school back on time and if they won't miss their class/lunch period. I think that it's a good thing to have it cause students can get what they want to eat and they won't have to the school lunch. Also it gives he/she more freedom from the school and they can probably take a nap at home if they have enough time and they will be able to eat somewhere else. Open campus also allows students to gain independence, they can socialize with friends, they can even help increase business at resturants that they go to. It also helps earn the trust to the students when they have open campus and they can study if they have a big test or they want to study for a test and if they have enough time to do during open campus. 

In my opinion, I think that they shouldn't take away open campus and I think that they should allow every high-schooler to have open campus as long as they can be responsible and they don't ruin it for themselves. If they don't want to eat at school they can leave and go somewhere else to eat during lunch and I think that everyone junior/senior that has it likes open campus.


Do you think every high-schooler should have open campus?

Do you think that they should keep open campus?,class%20during%20that%20class%20period.,increase%20business%20at%20local%20restaurants.

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  • No I dont think every high schooler shooler should have open campus. Not all high school students are responsible enough to have open campus. On top of that a lot of that some kids only have a school permit. If you give every student open campus they will abuse there permits and get them taken away posibly. 

    • I disagree becuase students that have a permit and they get it taken away they it's there fault becuase they didn't respect it adn they should've asked someone with a license.

  • I think that they should keep open campus. It allows students to be more independent and gets them used to the real world. But I think only juniors and seniors with good enough grades should have it. That way, more responsible students can have that freedom as a reward for trying hard acidemically.

    • I agree with you becuase some students that have good grades should have open campus and they should be able to experience that freedom that some people don't.

  • Yes, I think that once you are in high school you should be able to have open canpus, Because If people don't like the food and just have to sit here and watch the seinors leave to get food, then it is not fare for every other grade. I think that they should keep open canbus becuase it give people a little break from school and that is hwta some people need.

    • I agree with you becuase some studetns might be responsible enough to have open campus and they might want something different than school food and they won't have to see the seniors leave while other students just sit there.

  • I believe that high school student's should have the right to a open campus if you are passing all your grades. Student's need more freedom and if you don't make it back they it's on you. If we should change to every grade to have open campus then you can only be late to so many classes and it gets taken away. 

    • I agree becuase if you are passing your grades and you don't want the school lunch then you can sign out and leave and if you are late for a few days then it should be taken away.

  • I think that every highschooler should have the opportunity to get open campus. The rules to have open campus should be, you need a school permit, you need parent's permission, and you need to be passing all of your classes with moderately high grades. I think that the school should keep open campus.

    • I agree becuase if you don't have any of that you should not have open campus and you should be able to have a parent's permission and so that the office knows.

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