Should Concealed Carrying be Legal?

Concealed carrying has been a very controversial topic ever since it was legallized in Georgia in 1976. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming allow permitless concealed carrying. Meaning that you can buy a handgun and carry it legally without having a special permit. 


Concealed carrying was federally banned in 1813, however, you could carry a weapon for self defense that was not concealed. Such as pistols, rifles, or knives. In 1976, Georgia was the first state to allow concealed carrying of a handgun with a permit. Up until July 1st, 2021, Iowa required a concealed carry permit. After the law passed in Iowa allowing people to buy handguns and conceal them, handgun sales saw an uptick and more people are concealed carrying for self defense.


I personally think concealed carrying, let alone carrying a handgun, should be legal. This also holds true to the second amendment by allowing men and women of the United States to bear arms. The ability to carry a concealed weapon to protect yourself and/or your loved ones in a less than ideal situation, can save lives. However, there are people that would abuse their ability to carry a concealed weapon, giving other people who carry a concealed weapon a bad reputation.

Should concealed carrying be legal? Why?


Should you have to get a permit to carry?


Would you consider concealed carrying in the future?



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    • You make a good point on it being harder than just getting a gun for recreational use.

  • I believe that if the person has a permit, it should be legal to carry the gun. I believe that a permit is necessary and makes it more safe so people are evaluated before getting the gun. I don't thing I would consider concealed carrying in the future because I don't know anything about guns. 

    • Learning about guns is not very hard, however, choosing whether or not you use it in a certain situation is the vital part.

  • I think that is people want to carry they can, but they have to hav a permit. People should also know how to keep it safe from others and make sure that someone that doesn't know how the gun works, touch it. Some people want guns in order to feel safe especially since some people try to break into homes. 

  • I think it should be legal to conceal carry but with a permit. I think I would feel safer if I knew people had to have a permit to conceal carry a gun than just anyone being able to buy one and carry it on their person. I most likely will conceal carry when im allowed becuase it is definitely a good for defending yourself if it gets that far. 

  • I think that concealed carry should be legal. As long as you have a permit for your Gun and have been through safety classes you should be able to carry. I think that they way to world is going now there will be a lot of illegal concelead carrying. 

    • I think there should be a required class for this, however, there is not.

  • Yes I think that it should be leagal because if nobody is by you and you have to defend youself then having a concealed carry would be one of the best way to defend yourself. Yes I think that you should have to have a permit to carry because you don't want to just give weapons to random people.

  • I think if you have a permit for your gun you should be able to carry it. I think that people would feel safer if they had a gun to carry and some people would feel safer because they know people carrying guns have to have a permit to be able to carry it.

  • Concealed carrying should most definetly be legal, because it provides a source of protection for anyone who does. I think that having a permit is a nuicence but it could be necessary if people abuse the right to conceal by shooting innocent people. However, these murderers are going to concealed carry regardless of the law. So, I think that you should not have to have a permit. I will definietly carry when I am old enough.

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