Should Concealed Carrying be Legal?

Concealed carrying has been a very controversial topic ever since it was legallized in Georgia in 1976. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming allow permitless concealed carrying. Meaning that you can buy a handgun and carry it legally without having a special permit. 


Concealed carrying was federally banned in 1813, however, you could carry a weapon for self defense that was not concealed. Such as pistols, rifles, or knives. In 1976, Georgia was the first state to allow concealed carrying of a handgun with a permit. Up until July 1st, 2021, Iowa required a concealed carry permit. After the law passed in Iowa allowing people to buy handguns and conceal them, handgun sales saw an uptick and more people are concealed carrying for self defense.


I personally think concealed carrying, let alone carrying a handgun, should be legal. This also holds true to the second amendment by allowing men and women of the United States to bear arms. The ability to carry a concealed weapon to protect yourself and/or your loved ones in a less than ideal situation, can save lives. However, there are people that would abuse their ability to carry a concealed weapon, giving other people who carry a concealed weapon a bad reputation.

Should concealed carrying be legal? Why?


Should you have to get a permit to carry?


Would you consider concealed carrying in the future?



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    • Agreed, if the wrong people have the wrong self defense weapon, it can be fatal.

  • I think concealed carrying should most definitely be legal, my dad has a concealed carry permit and he takes his "weapon" almost everywhere he goes because the world is a lot more dangerous than it used to be. Although, I do think you should have a permit to carry because a lot of people are unstable/unresponsible and shouldn't be able to carry. I will be concealed carrying in the future, because like I previously said, the world is a lot more dangerous and unsafety is increasing.

  • I think it should be legal. Becuase, have a gun is the best thing you can have for self-defense. But I do think there should be harder requirments to have the conceal carry permit. Becuase, Many deaths are from criminals who have conceal carry and they need better background checks on everyone.

  • I think it should be legal because it is a way of self-defense. It is a good way to be prepared because anything can happen. However, I think that there should be a process for getting a permit to carry. I think you should have to do a background check and many other things. 

    • Yes, a background check is required for every registered gun you buy.

  • Yes I think it should be legal because it is a good self defense because you never know what you could happen. I think you should get a permit to carry because there can be some crazy people that can get their hands on a weapon. I am gonna get a conceal and carry permit when im older.

    • I agree, being prepared for an unexpected situation can determine whether you live or not.

  • I think that carrying should be legal because it helps people defend themselves from attackers. I think you should have to get a permit to carry because it would help identify people who might be carrying to police or millitary officials. I would consider concealed carrying in the future because it would help me protect myself from attackers or animals.

  • I agree that concealed carrying should be legal. As you stated, it's a part of our second amendment right. Although, I think a permit should be necessary to make sure that these handguns are in the right hands. When I am of age, I will consider carrying.

  • I think that people can carry a weapon as long as they have a permit. I do think that getting a permit should be a slight bit tougher and to show that they know how to use it and when the right time to use it is. This is help reduce our gun violence a lot.

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