Sex Education in America

Only 13 out of the 50 states in America require sex education in schools to be medically accurate. The majority of schools in America are told to teach about STDs and abstinence, but not about contraceptives. Students are forced to learn and teach themselves about sex education topics through often unreliable sources rather than being taught right in schools. Did this surprise you or even disturb you? It should as these are all accurate statements about the sex education curriculum in our own school and the schools in America. 

Do you remember taking the course "human growth and development" in middle school? Do you remember learning about sex, contraceptives, or pregnancy? No? Well that's because our school never covered those topics in our supposed "sex ed" class. The lack of sex education in not only our school, but the thousands of other schools in America is terrifying to think about for the sole reason that it can lead to unplanned teen pregnancies, STDs, and ignorance. We need better sex ed in America so that future generations and even the young kids in elementary schools right now will understand and be informed about sex and sex related topics. 

Studies have shown that more teen pregnancies occur in schools that teach "abstinence only" sex ed which is also what our school preaches. Students feel more informed, make safer decisions, and therefore have better and healthier outcomes when their sex education is understandable and comprehensive. With an actual sex education program in schools, there would be more prevention of teen pregnancies and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and infections. We deserve to be taught sooner rather than later about the changes in our bodies and about sex in general. It's such an avoided topic to the point that people become ignorant about it and don't care about the consequences of their actions since they have never been taught that sex leads to pregnancy without the proper protection being used. There also needs to be guidelines and an accurate curriculum for teachers to follow and teach off of so they aren't left to interpret the vague and unclear "rules" given out by state legislative.

Sex education is supposed to be medically accurate and taught properly. Instead, students just like you and I are left to our own devices to figure out how everything works and what sex even is. First of all, it's most certainly not fair and second of all, it should be unconstitutional to teach inaccurate sex education because that leads to unplanned teen pregnancy and STDs. 


Do you think sex education should be taught better in America?

Do you agree with abstinence only sex ed?

At what age and grade do you feel sex ed should be taught?


STDs reported by teens in the United States, by state. Teen birth rates in the United States

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  • I think it should be taught better in the U.S., but it doesn't need to be taught to middle schoolers. I think it should start to be taught in highschool, because thats when that knowledge comes in handy for some people.  I think it's especially important t obe taught to highschoolers because a lot of them are dumb and make dumb decisions so it's good to know what your doing so you don't make any mistakes.

    • Yeah highschoolers do make very unsmart choices and a lot of the time they don't know what they are doing and that is why we need to expand on this topic more. Most middle schoolers don't have the desire to have sex in middle school so I agree with you when you said it doesn't need to be taught to like 6th graders.

    • I agree I think it should be taught better in the U.S.. Also, it shouldn't be taught in middle school because they are immature and wouldn't take the class seriously. I think it's important in highschool for kids to learn to make better choices.

  • I think that it should be taught better in the U.S. In Harlan it was only required for 1 year in late middle school. At that point most kids just think it's funny and something to joke about. They should require 1 year in late high school so that they will actually pay attention. Also, in high school, it is more realistic to us. 

    • I sort of agree with you, here at Harlan we have a class that lasts like 2 months that is supposed to teach us about sex ed in 7th grade. A lot of kids in that class either were not paying attention or found it funny. I think freshman year there should be a semester course that everyone has to take on sex ed. 

  • i do think that it should be taught better because if you dont teach about stuff like that then it could possibly not be very good for someone that didnt know anything and now it will effect them for the rest of there life because they possibly werent taught that well about it

    • I agree with you. like if they dont know what they are doing it can go bad really quickly and if will effect them for their hole life if they have a kid being a teen mom or dad is very hard. I think that it should be taught so it dosnt happen as much.

    • I agree that many people are ignorant about sex and they need to know about sex and all related topics that go with it. 

  • I do believe that this should be taught better in the U.S. because people shouldn't have to figure out what it is on their own by experiment. I think that it should be taught in 6th grade when students are becoming more mature to understand.

    • I agree with you because 6th grade is around the time where students start going through changes and they need to know about sex ed before they make bad decisions later on.

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