Oscar Pistorius Guilty of Culpable Homicide

Oscar Pistorius has been found guilty of culpable homicide, after yesterday being cleared of murdering Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day last year. That night last valentines day he woke up to a noise coming from his restroom he shot into the bathroom and opened the door to find Reeva's body. Reeva was a 29 year old model and law graduate. Her parents were very disappointed in the verdict because they believe the two had fought during day before the shooting. 

Do you think Oscar should of been convicted of murder or if Culpable Homicide is the right sentence? why or why not.


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  • One thing you have to do is make sure your readers know what things mean. I am guessing very few know what culpable homicide is. You need to define it for them or at least link it so they can find out.

    Also, be sure to reply more frequently.

  • I think that he should have been charged with murder, because with out the person doing anything and him not seeing them, he shouldn't have just shot. After talking to concealed weapon carriers, I don't think that it could of been used for self defense with out seeing the person, but depending on the states laws on shooting rights, I think that could of been a factor in the decision. 

  • I think that he should because he should at least open the door before he shoots into it... He is just saying that he thought it was a robber to cover his butt.

  • In my mind, he should have been  charged with murder.  I don't think he really thought it was a robber. 

  • I do not think that he did this on purpose or that this is the right sentence.

  • Yes he should be charged with murder. He shot her and he new it was her when he shot her.

  • I think he should have been charged with murder, because he had the intent of killings someone even if he didn't know who it was.

    • He thought she was a robber getting into his house and he has the right to shoot them. 

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