Mom Reveals Nightmare of Losing Daughter to Flu

The flu is a very common illness that most people encounter. Although, many people don't realize how deadly it can be. Shannon Zwanzigers, a young school girl, came home one day feeling like she had the flu. Her mother did anything any parent would do; sent her to her room to rest. "I brought her liquids, applesauce, and soup" said Shannon's mom.  The only symptoms Shannon had were a sore throat and a slight fever.  Shannon's mother constantly checked on her, but only to find her sleeping or on the phone; nothing to abnormal. By Sunday Shannon seemed very weak and lethargic. On Monday, Shannon's father took her to the doctor only to be told to "let the flu run its course". Within a few hours of the same night Shannon was dead. Health care professionals and EMT's couldn't bring her back, The flu destroyed  Shannon's  organs with no one knowing. 

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Shannon never got the flu shot for this year. Do you think if she would have things would be different?

If you were Shannon's parents, how might you feel about her not getting the flu shot?

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  • Well done Chloe! Be sure to include your opinions in your summary.

  • I think all people should get flu shots, because it will help your immune system fight the flu.

  •  I don't think that  she would have gotten it  that it would've this from happening. I got the flu shot way back and not others and when I do get it I almost always get sick. I probably wish that she would have gotten the shot and that it might have helped her fight, but I would have been more mad at the doctor. 

  • Yes, since she would have gotten a weaker version of the flu and would be able to battle it better than how she did. probably regretful about not having her get the flu shot knowing that this happened to her and now she's did.

  • I think it could have been prevented from getting that severe that quickly but in my experience I don't think flu shots help that much. If I were her parents I would feel really guilty just thinking there was something else I possibly could've done.

  • 1. I think she could've been saved. Possibly even still living.

    2. I would've felt guilt and wished she had. 

  • I don't know because flu shots don't always work. I would probably feel responsible or that I could have prevented it. 

  • Stories like this are so sad to hear about. Flu shots do not always work, I get the flu shot every year and I've had influenza B a couple times. Potentially it could've made a difference, I'd like to think it would. If she was my daughter I would probably feel somewhat responsible and probably spend the rest of my life wondering if that one shot could've kept her alive.

  • I believe that if she did get the flu shot for this year she would still be living today because she would already have had this virus in her system and out fast. Although, in The Bible, God says that when he wants you to die, you are going to die... It sounds harsh, but it is his plan. If I were her parents, I would never let this down because I would be regretting her not getting a flu shot every day of my life.

  • I don't feel like if she would have gotten the flue shot that it would've prevented it. I got the flu shot some years and not others and when I do get it I almost always get sick. I probably wish that she would have gotten the shot and that it might have helped her fight, but I would have been more mad at the doctor.  

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