Mass Abduction

On Monday last week in Abuja, Nigeria, Militants from Nigeria made there way into the Government Girls Secondary School and abducted aroung 230 students. Heavily armed, the abductors forced the girls into vans and drove away but not before burning down many building. Later that night parents reported that their kids were missing. They still don't know where the girls are and have no clue as to where they could be. 

Where do you think all 230 girls could be? What purpose could their be for a mass abduction?

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  • Good summary but you didn't reply to anyone.

  • I don't understand how they could get away with taking that many girls and making a fire. Wouldn't that grab peoples attention? I bet the men did it just to get fame with other groups or maybe even sell the girls for money. 

  • This is super sad. Things like this just break my heart because there's not much good that can come from something like this. I have no idea why anyone would do such a thing.

  • They probaly went all round nigeria and hide the the purpose probally was to get money and have the be salves

  • No idea as to where the girls are or why they would have done this. Obviously people are messed up and probably just wanted to do it.

  • I have no idea where someone would take 230 girls.. that seems so strange. That's a lot of families devastated. I don't know why someone would take so many girls. Or any girls for that matter.

  • I'm sure the kidnappers spread them all out. And they probably did it for money and to have girls to torture and have as their personal slaves.

  • I have no idea how I would react if this happened in our school. It would be kind of hard to hide 230 girls, so they must have had a pretty good plan. Anybody who would want to abduct so many people is just crazy, and there should not be any harm to the girls. 

  • I have no idea why they would abduct 230 girls. They probably have them hidden in a warehouse or something somewhere.

  • This is really scary! I hope they are all okay! Im not sure where they would be I hope that nothing bad is happening to them.

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