On Friday, a nine year old kid named Philip Stoll stumbled across a giant mastodon tooth. "I was walking down at the creek. I felt something that I stepped on so I picked it up and everybody in the neighborhood thought it was pretty cool," said Philip in an interview. As soon as he found the object, he took it home and washed it in the kitchen sink. He and his mother eventually reached out to James Harding, an expert on reptiles and amphibians, at nearby Michigan State, who told them it was the tooth of a mastodon.

If you were to stumble upon something like this, would you keep it to yourself, or would you try to publicize it? If you were the expert, would you claim it as your own, or give the credit to the child?

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  • Be sure to put "Explain" within your questions otherwise your questions can be answered very quickly.Also be sure to reply more frequently.

  • I used to love to find petrified wood and cool rocks and stuff.... lucky kid. Hees the one who found it he deserves to keep it.

  • Personally, I'd want to verify it, then after figuring it out, would want to keep it to myself, and not let the press know about it.

  • If I was the student, I would publicize it and give it to a museum. I would give the credit to the kid because people would find out the kid found it.

  • i would keep it to myself and wait and sell it to a musem and if i was the expert give it to the kids

  • I would keep it but find out what it was and i would defiantly give credit to the kid because thats the right thing to do. 

  • Hopefully he gets some money or credit for finding it, otherwise if I were him i would keep it.

  • I would give credit to whoever found this. I would want to make money off of it, I think it's cool but not something I would be crazy about. I would give it up if I could make money off of it.

  • I would try to keep it to myself, I would give credit to the kid. he found it so he should get credit for it.

  • I would definitely give the credit to the child, he is the one that found it. If I found it I would want to tell people about it, I would be so excited I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut about it. I think this is a really cool story. 

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