ISIS' Next Plan Involves U.S. Gun Shows

ISIS leaders are encouraging their follower to use new terrorist tactics. One of them being to buy guns at U.S. gun shows in order to take multiple people hostage. Buying these weapons at the gun shows would allow them to avoid background checks. Many of the locations terrorist plan on taking hostages are as follows: night clubs, movie theaters, busy malls/stores, concert halls, university campuses, and many more. Terrorist choose these areas because they are extremely busy and closed off. Another terrible and horrifying way these people take hostages is by placing fake job ads on the internet, allowing them to lead the victims into vacant areas to be killed or taken hostage. The main targets of these terrorist tend to be non- Muslim men in countries such as the United States. 

Do you think gun shows should require background checks in order to avoid these kind of events?

Why do you think ISIS' targets tend to be non-Muslim men?

My opinion: 

I think gun shows should definitely begin to make background checks a routine thing. Although, many buy guns to ensure their own safety, it is better to be safe than sorry. I think that ISIS targets non-Muslim people mainly because they are not Muslim, and ISIS believes that anyone who does not believe in their religion are terrible people. 

Read rest of article here

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  • I think there should always be background checks because they could easily turn dangerous. They want everyone that does not believe what they believe to die and to suffer. 

  • I think they should require a background check no matter where they are gun shop or show. I believe the terrorist think anyone who does not follow their religion are their enemies no matter what they say or do. 

    • I agree, any place selling guns should require background checks no matter what. I also think that ISIS attacks anyone who does follow their beliefs, thinking they are terrible people. 

  • I think we should start having background checks at gun shows if terrorists are going to be buying guns from us. I think they target these men because they are strong and they will follow what they say. 

    • I agree. There should always be background checks for safety because you never know who is going to try to buy something that they should not. Hopefully nothing bad happens. 

      • Background check are a need and also without them anyone will be able to get a gun including terrorist. I agree that lots of people that we don't want to have guns can get guns.

  • I do think that gun shows should have background checks. You never know who is going to be handling the gun and what they plan on doing with the gun. I think they are also trying to target non-Muslim men just because they are Muslim and ISIS thinks they are bad people for not believing in their religion. 

  • With the time we live in, I do think that gun shows should require background checks. You never know who is buying that weapon unless you do a background check. ISIS most likely targets non-Muslim men because they don't like that they don't believe in their religion.

    • I agree with you about how there should be guns background because there are some scary people in this world today. I also agree with you that ISIS targets non-Muslim because they think their religion is the only way to go. 

  • I think that gun shows should have background checks because by doing this it will make a safer place. I think there should be a complete background check to be able to buy a gun.  I think ISIS targets tend to be non-muslim men because they don't believe in the same religion as ISIS so they target them more. 

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