ISIS' Next Plan Involves U.S. Gun Shows

ISIS leaders are encouraging their follower to use new terrorist tactics. One of them being to buy guns at U.S. gun shows in order to take multiple people hostage. Buying these weapons at the gun shows would allow them to avoid background checks. Many of the locations terrorist plan on taking hostages are as follows: night clubs, movie theaters, busy malls/stores, concert halls, university campuses, and many more. Terrorist choose these areas because they are extremely busy and closed off. Another terrible and horrifying way these people take hostages is by placing fake job ads on the internet, allowing them to lead the victims into vacant areas to be killed or taken hostage. The main targets of these terrorist tend to be non- Muslim men in countries such as the United States. 

Do you think gun shows should require background checks in order to avoid these kind of events?

Why do you think ISIS' targets tend to be non-Muslim men?

My opinion: 

I think gun shows should definitely begin to make background checks a routine thing. Although, many buy guns to ensure their own safety, it is better to be safe than sorry. I think that ISIS targets non-Muslim people mainly because they are not Muslim, and ISIS believes that anyone who does not believe in their religion are terrible people. 

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  • I think that ISIS targets non-Muslim people mainly because they are not Muslim, and ISIS believes that they don't support there beliefs. Also ISIS is on a religious war that wants to kill all non Islam believers. So that's why they aren't targeting them. 

  • I think that any selling or buying of a gun should involve a background check. People should have a background check to be able to get into the gun shows. My guess is that ISIS targets non-Muslim men because they want to expand their group into different religous people. 

    • I agree with you, by requiring background checks when purchasing a gun, we could slow down and put a stop to many mass shootings. It would also create a safer environment in many parts of the country. 

  • I believe that gun shows should start requiring background checks in order to avoid these kinds of events. It makes everything safer. Background checks for guns should be a routine thing for everywhere you can buy a gun. It makes everyone around these guns shows in the US feel safer knowing that not just anyone can buy a gun. 

    • I totally agree with you alex, I also think that guns shows should have back round checks. It will increase the safety of all the people around them and will reduce mass shootings.

  • I agree that backround checks should definitely be a routine thing for the safety of everyone. I dont think it really hurts anything for them to check so they might as well just to keep everyone safe. I think they target them because they are not Muslim and they dont support other peoples beliefs.

  • No they should not, just don't sell the guns to middle eastern looking people simple as that. Also if "ISIS" is expecting to take people hostage at a gun show in America the are pretty dumb. Well I ISIS is on a religious war that want to kill all non Islam believers. 

  • I think gun shows should definitely start doing background checks on people buying guns. I think, since ISIS is an extremist group, they target non-Muslims because they believe that Islam is the only religion that should be considered valid.

  • I absolutely think that gun shows should require background checks to buy guns. Why would they be any different from buying a gun anywhere else? I think that ISIS's targets are often non-Muslim men because they are a radical group of Muslims that believe they have a sacred duty to rid the world of all non-Muslims, but I'm not sure why they would go after men specifically- maybe because they view men as more important, and women are merely property? Who can tell for sure?

    • I agree with you I don't understand why its fine for gun shows to no require background checks, as apposed to anywhere else. I am also confused as to why they would just target men as well. 

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