ISIS' Next Plan Involves U.S. Gun Shows

ISIS leaders are encouraging their follower to use new terrorist tactics. One of them being to buy guns at U.S. gun shows in order to take multiple people hostage. Buying these weapons at the gun shows would allow them to avoid background checks. Many of the locations terrorist plan on taking hostages are as follows: night clubs, movie theaters, busy malls/stores, concert halls, university campuses, and many more. Terrorist choose these areas because they are extremely busy and closed off. Another terrible and horrifying way these people take hostages is by placing fake job ads on the internet, allowing them to lead the victims into vacant areas to be killed or taken hostage. The main targets of these terrorist tend to be non- Muslim men in countries such as the United States. 

Do you think gun shows should require background checks in order to avoid these kind of events?

Why do you think ISIS' targets tend to be non-Muslim men?

My opinion: 

I think gun shows should definitely begin to make background checks a routine thing. Although, many buy guns to ensure their own safety, it is better to be safe than sorry. I think that ISIS targets non-Muslim people mainly because they are not Muslim, and ISIS believes that anyone who does not believe in their religion are terrible people. 

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  • I believe that a background check should be in place. I don't agree however about just getting rid of guns. some law abiding citizens enjoy shooting for sport. and others believe in the 2nd amendment. I would not like to think guns could become illegal but I believe that is the direction our country is heading. 

    I think Isis targets non-Muslim men because some of the Radicals believe that if your not Muslim you are not worthy of life.

  • I think that ALL gun shows need to do background check on EVERYONE who buys a gun there. Now that we know that they are going to be buying guns at gun shows then they need to start being harder on background checks and make it harder for people to get a gun. I think ISIS is going to target non-Muslim men because they believe that the way they live is the only way to live and that everyone should believe the way they do. 

    • I agree, background checks should definitely be a required at gun shows. As well, I also think ISIS is trying to target non-Muslim men because they do not believe in their way of life. 

  • Gun shows should have back round checks. Even if doesn't stop them from getting guns it will slow them down. I think they target non Muslim because they see them as non believes and think they should be killed because they are not Muslim.       

  • I think that we need common sense gun control to keep weapons out of the hands of terrorist, this includes background check at gunshows.The problem is rebublicans do not want to pass any sort of gun bill to protect us. I fell ISIS is doing a good (but bad) job at getting people brain washed in our country to attack us.   

  • I think that now since that the ISIS leaders said what they said I would check everyone that comes to the the Gun show. Because I think they do this because if a Muslim man comes into a gun show more then likely he will be kicked out because the people are scared so if their non- Muslim then no one would suspect anything.

  • I think that gun shows should require a background check, because you don't know who could be there. I think that they are targeting non muslim men because they think that they are threatening their religion.

  • I think yes, gun shows should have a very tight security so that none of this can happen. Because they are being stupid involving non-Muslim men or countries to attack. And I also think that those ISIS are also Muslim people and they probably don't like that.

  • Any business or location that sells guns should require background checks in order to purchase them. Too many horrific events have occurred in the United States that involve guns, it’s preposterous to think guns are easy to obtain. In fact, with the new health care bill it is much harder to access health insurance now than it is, by comparison, to buy a gun. ISIS seems to target non-Muslim men because of their different religious beliefs and because men are perceived as much more dangerous.

    • Yes, I agree any business that sells guns or dangerous weaponry of any kind should require background checks. It is completely insane to think of all the events that could of possibly been avoided or slowed down if background checks were required. 

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