The history of Santa Claus goes back 100s of years. It is rooted from the legend of St. Nicholas, a man who spread his wealth by giving to the poor and sick. Today Santa is portrayed as a large man in red, who flies a magical sleigh around the world, (with the help of his reindeer),  and delivers presents on Christmas night. Children are told all throughout the year to be well-behaved so they don't end up on  Santa's “naughty list”. Many children grow up believing this legend, leaving out cookies for Santa, writing him letters, etc. The real question is when a child asks their parent “Is Santa real” should they lie? 


 Some believe that lying to children about Santa's existence is a “cruel idea” or “morally wrong”. At a certain point, kids begin to recognize reality vs fantasy, and Some worry when they do they will feel hurt or betrayed for being lied to. Research shows that “kids who are lied to by their parents are more likely to lie themselves.” However, Others believe that the idea of Santa is fun, magical, and a completely harmless lie. It is meant to bring Christmas joy while encouraging kids to behave.


   I think that it is ok for parents to lie about Santa Clause. It m,ay be difficult to realize it was your parents eating the cookies, buying  the presents, and reading the letters,  but it doesn't take away all the special moments of Christmas and our parents do it to make us happy. I think the lie of Santa is a harmless one. 


Do you think its ok for parents to lie about Santa?

What will you tell your kids?

How did you find out Santa wasn't real?   10886390481?profile=RESIZE_400x 




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  • I think its ok for parents to lie to their kids about santa. Its a really good lie to keep your kids behaved and makes them have a bigger imagination. Theres also lots of tricks and toys parents can use to make the magic look real to the kids and make it fun. I think its a harmless lie. 

    • I like that you mentioned the kids imagination. 

  • I believe that it is alright for parents to tell their kids Santa isn't real up to a certain age point, and while most kids do figure it out on their own eventually some do still believe in him into their later years of life. Parents need to get rid of that belief eventually as it can lead people to believe the child is immature or something like that

    • I like your view on the age point thing. i think age is a huge factor.

  • I personally believe that it is ok for parents to lie about santa because it give them somthing to think about before they do somthing bad that will get them on the " naughty list". and when I do have kids I think that I will tell them about him but when they are old enough I will tell them he is not real.

    • Good point it makes kids behave better which is very good. 

  • I think it is ok for parents to lie about santa because it is what makes christmas special in a way. I will be telling my kids that Santa is real because I want them to have the Christmas spirit. I found out Santa wasn't real by classmates telling me during lunch when I was young.

    • I agree is does make Christmas special. Interesting comment. 

  • I personally think that parents should have their kids believe in santa because then there is no fun for kids on christmas. kids on christman love to see what santa got them and give them milk and cookies. I will tell my kids santa is real. I found out santa wasn't real when I saw my parents putting out presents when I was little.

    • I agree santa is pretty much the best thing about santa when your a kid.

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