Is Becoming Vegan Pointless?

       These days more and more people are becoming vegan because they think it is helping save the animals, but is this lifestyle actually better for the world? Becoming vegan is a bad idea because it is impossible to avoid using any animal products, veganism harms wild animals, and the vegan diet is not healthy.

       A vegan's goal is to not eat or use any animal products because they think it saves animals lives, and is better for the world. However, vegans rarely realize how many products have some type of material made from animals in them. Many beauty products contain products from animals. For example, make-up, nail polish, perfume and more all come from animals. Some of the fluids in your car also contain animal products, and if you think that a Tesla doesn’t use animal products because it doesn’t have an engine, the leather in the interior is made from animal skin also. There are so many products that include things from animals to be made, and I would encourage you to read about some sometime.

       Many vegans believe by eating only vegetables it will save animals' lives, however, this is not exactly true. Farmers are having to find more land to farm because of the increasing demand for plants. This is causing farmers to take more land to grow plants, which takes away from wild animals habitats. Without the correct habitat, animals do not have the correct environment to live in. Farmers are trying to use GMOs to produce more plants in less land, but people have a problem with that too, even though GMOs do not harm anything.

       Without eating animal products like meat, humans can not naturally get the correct nutrients they need to live healthily. Without eating foods from animals people will start to have deficiencies in vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and high quality protein. People will also experience a lack of omega-3. A lack of omega-3 is likely to cause depression. A lack of omega-3 is also known to help develop schizophrenia, dementia, bipolar disorders and more.

       Several studies show that living a vegan lifestyle does not have major effects in helping the world, and the vegan diet is not healthy. Only the bad things that happen on bad farms tend to get spread to the public, which spreads the view that animal farming is very cruel and inhuman, however, I can tell you from experience that not all animal farms are that way. All in all, a vegan lifestyle is not smart, because it still harms wild animals, it is not healthy and more. So if you are contemplating becoming vegan, I would encourage you not to, and thank a farmer next time you see one.

Do you think becoming vegan is stupid, explain?

Do you think a vegan diet is healthy?

Would you ever become Vegan, explain?,%2C%20and%20high%2Dquality%20protein.

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  • I think people who go vegan are looking for attention, unless it is because they have a food allergy or something. I think that people are much healthier that eat meat and have a variety of food. Most people are still eating meat and are not into veganism.

    • I agree, a lot of people that go vegan to try to save animals want to look good, fit in with trends, or get attention. I do not think this is the correct way to get attention if people really want to have so much attention.

  • I think that becoming vegan is pointless. I feel like you won't get the nutrients you need. Plus animal products give protein and other things to help your body. I think that the only time you should become vegan is if you have problems and other things like that.

  • I don't think that being vegan is pointless, especially for people allergic to animal products. I feel like it is none of my business if someone chooses to be vegan. Veganism lines up with certain people's morals. Just because you don't have the same moral code as someone else, doesn't make it pointless or stupid. If you want to eat meat and animal products, then eat it, but just because someone chooses not to, doesn't mean it is pointless. 

    • I used the word pointless to show that there are negative effects to veganism that reverse what vegans are trying to do. So there is not really a point in becoming vegan. I also agree that it is peoples choice on if they want to be vegan, my goal in this post was just to spread the information that veganism does not have as many good effects as people think it does, and the factors that reverse what vegans are trying to do.

  • I do think that becoming vegan is so stupid. I think this because just eating vegetables is not as healthy as you think. You have to eat some meat to get bigger and it will make your bones stronger. I do not think a vegan diet is not healthy. I would never stop eating meat.

    • Not eating meat or other animal product definetly can make your bones weaker. It is hard to get bigger if you are not eating all of the correct nutrients you need, and a vegan diet does not completely provide that.

  • I don't think being vegan is very logical. You don't get the number of nutrients you should as a vegan which is very unhealthy for your body. And if we don't eat animals then there would be over population of some animals and that would just not be good. And like you said, farmers are trying to find more land for the demand of plants, which causes more and more animals to be forced out of their homes. 

    • No matter what animals are going to continue to reproduce and grow. This means that cows will still be producing methane so polution will still be happening if that is what vegans are worried about. This also could cause overpopulation like you said, so I definetely agree with you. 

  • Yes, I think becoming a vegan is very stupid. I don tunderstand how you get the needed protein you need without eating meat or dairy. I think there are way healther ways to lose weight. I would never become a vegan becuase I love meat and dairy I dont think I would have enough energy to do anything. 

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