how WW2 could have ended

How WW2 could have ended horribly for the us

The reason I make this statement is a special Japanese unit stationed in China called unit 731 and this unit single-handedly destroyed or at least devastate the United States. Well, how could this happen you may ask well some backstory for this unit they are a Japanese unit in China. They mainly experimented with chemical warfare testing lethal chemicals and human experiments such as frostbite on people dead and alive to see what would happen testing things such as anthrax which can shut down the lungs and other important organs. Well, how could this group devastate the United States well after pearl harbor the unit had a plan called project cherry blossoms which was a plan to drop bombs filled with fleas infected with anthrax into the center of California which could have possibly ruined the U.S the reason the plan was never implemented was that the Japanese surrendered 1 day before the plan was going to be implemented.


What do you think would have happened if Japan took a few more days to surrender or if they didn’t at all what could have happened to the U.S

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  • Good topic choice Austin as I always appreciate history topics. Your summary could be longer and better organized. That is the issue here.

  • I think that the US would have lost a LOT more people or soldiers. I think that Japan would have lost a lot of its territory and a lot of people especially innocent people. I think that Japan made the right decision to surrender when they did because they were losing.

    • yea that would have been a far worse way for WW2 to end I agree with you idea that japan made the right decision

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