How long should the passing periods be?

Over the years during Harlan Community High School's time, the passing period lengths have changed multiple times. Being 3, 4 and 5 minutes at different times. During Mr. Brun’s first couple of years at Harlan the passing period was 3 minutes long. The school then had a testing period where they had either 3 minute long passing periods with 2, 15 minute breaks throughout the day. Or they could have 5 minute passing periods with no breaks. The teachers and students voted on the 5 minute passing periods. It then got changed to 4 minutes. And then finally it has been 3 minutes for the past two years.

Some pros of longer passing periods would be people could finally have enough time to go to the bathroom and fill up water bottles. If a student ever needed help on homework, instead of staying after class to talk with a teacher. Which would result in students being tardy to their next class. They could talk to a teacher before class because of the extra minutes. The halls would also be less crowded as students would leave classes at different times. But some pros of shorter passing periods is we get out earlier. During the time when the school had 5 minute passing periods the school day was from 8:15 to 3:30.

Now some cons of both; longer passing periods result in longer days. Students also have more time to mess around and get in trouble with teachers. Some cons for shorter passing periods are students have no time to go to the bathrooms and fill up their water bottles. Also having classes on opposite sides of the school is a struggle. It’s hard to get to the next class in just 3 minutes, and students are counted tardy if they're late.


If you could choose how long the passing periods were, how long would you say(1-10 minutes)?


Would you have longer passing periods but a longer day or a shorter day with shorter passing periods?


Do you agree or disagree with the time the passing periods are currently?





Mr. Bruns

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    • I like what you're thinking, school to me really isn't that bad. It really is something to keep you busy while also letting you learn. I personally would rather have short days with shorter passing periods, but I know everyone has differnt reasons for getting out of school later or earlier.

  • If I had the option to change the length of the passing period, I would personally change it to five minutes instead of three. Changing the amount of time during the passing periods wouldn't add that much time onto the school day so I would rather have longer passing periods. 

    • I agree, adding a couple of minutes onto what we have currently as our passing periods is not going to add a lot of time to the end of our school day. By changing it from 3 to five minutes we would be adding 16 minutes to the end of the school day. This would let us out around 3:15.

  • I think a passing period should be 5 minutes which gives more time to get to class and more time to go to the bathroom instead of using class time to go, if you're rushing across the building then its kind of a rush to get to class, but if passing periods were 5 minutes then we would not have to rush as much.

    • I think you brought up a really good point when talking about using class time to go to the bathroom. We only get a certain amount of time for work in class, and leaving during class could leave you potentially with information that you would need.

  • If I had the option to chose passing period times I would choose 5 minutes. There has been many times where I have had to rush to class after filling up my water bottle because I did not want to be late for class. I think the short ones we have now are too short and thus are just giving kids unwanted tardies.

    • I think that people should fill their water bottles up once they get to class by asking their teachers. But this also could stop them from filling up their water bottles because the teacher may not want the student to leave the classroom because they need to get straight into learning.

  • I think passing periods should be 5 minutes. Like you said, it gives kids enough time to talk to teachers, use the restroom, fill up water bottles, etc. 3 minutes is not enough especially if your classes are on opposite ends of the building or upstairs. 

    • The opposite ends of the building is a very strong argument for why we should extend the time of the passing periods to at least an extra minute. This would give everyone enough time to get from their class to the next one without the stress of a tardy.

  • I think that passing periods should be at least 5 minutes. It gives you enough time to get to your next class and maybe using the restroom. I feel like you can also prepare better for your next class and maybe go over your notes from the last day. You also have more time to talk to the teacher and ask questions. 

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