Helicopter Parenting

Helicopter parenting is when a parent is overly focused on their child. The parents typically take too much time or effort into their child's lives or experiences.The reason parents can become this way is a natural feeling of wanting to protect your child. I think that this is understandable but if the parent is too protective or involved this can cause the kids to suffer. This is a  problem for the child because it could cause Anxiety or stress and can hinder their self-confidence. 

A 2014 study published by the Journal of Child and Family Studies found that over-parenting can be associated with higher levels of child anxiety and depression. This is also true for college students whose parents were also overly involved in their lives.  An over controlling parent can cause Self- confidence and self-esteem problems in children or young adults. This is because if the parent does everything for the child the child will feel like they aren't good enough or the parent doesn't trust them enough to do it by themselves.  If this happens then it can make the child dependent upon the parent and wont learn how to do things themselves. 

The positives of helicopter parenting is you can always rely on the kid to be done with their homework or show up on time and are prepared for their activities. This can help the child be caught up in school so the child doesn't have to worry about dropping grades. Helicopter parents tend to be more involved in their child's extracurricular or in school activities. Such as, volunteering for school functions or joining the PTA at school. 

I think that helicopter parents are hindering  their child by doing everything for them. I think that they are not letting their child go through the failures and positives in life. I think that once they get out of college they won't be able to do anything for themselves and will most likely end up relying on parent approval.



What do you think about helicopter parenting?

Does helicopter parenting benefit or hinder the child?

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    • I agree that younger kids might need to be watched more but also need to be able to make mistakes.

  • I think helicopter parents are horrible and should let there kids live. Because when parents are always with there kids it makes the kids hard to do think wiht out them and they will always be want parental help. I think parents need to let there kids have fun and enjoy life because highschool is usally the peek of kids lives.

    • I agree that high school can help kids for later in life and if the parents are to contorlling they might not get those expiriences.

  • In my opinion, I don't think this way of parenting is beneficial for anybody. It personally takes away opportunities from the child's life. It could also cause problems and trust in the future with relationships and picking what you want to do. I would personally get very annoyed with this way of parenting. 

    • I agree that the parent is taking away multiple oppurtunities form the child.

  • I don't think that this type of parenting is beneficial to kids. I think it takes away experiences and opportunities from the child's life. This might also cause problems in the future with the relationship between the child and the parent.

    • I agree and I think that the child will try to become distant with their parent in the future.

  • I think this type of parenting can harm the kids more than it can be beneficial. I think the child should be able to live their own life and parents should live theirs. I think the child will get very annoyed with their parents and will start to develop a toxic relationship with their parents and grow apart from them. 

    • I agree and I would also get annoyed with my parents if they did that.

  • I think this way of parenting is kinda overbearing. I think a child needs to experience every part of live, including failures, to learn correctly. The child will never learn to be on their own and this will probably cause issues further into the kids life. I also think the kid will start to learn to do and think what their parents think and I think this could be toxic and the parents could be very manipulative about their life. 

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