Gorilla Breaks Glass at Omaha Zoo

A YouTube video is going viral because a gorilla charged the glass window the Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and it was caught on camera. In the video you can see a little girl's shadow on the glass hitting her chest. Shortly after, the gorilla charges and cracks the glass. He luckily only broke the first of 3 layers of the glass. The 3 male gorillas are between the ages of 17 to 22 and this is a common time for gorilla's to be aggressive as they become adults. The zoo said this is the first time the glass has broken because of gorillas, usually it is because of environmental or building causes. The zoo usually replaces the glass regularly. 

I think this is kind of funny but yet scary at the same time. Gorillas are one of my favorite animals because they are so fun to watch. I can't imagine being in the zoo at the time this happened because it could have gotten a lot worse and I don't know what I would do. This is also kind of scary because the zoo is close to home and the gorillas could do it again. 


What would you do if you were at the zoo when this happened with any animal?

Will this change your thoughts of gorillas? Why or why not?

Link to the whole story 


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  • I saw this and it would have been very scary! Well done!

  • I wouldn't really know what to do except get out of there. If a animal that big charged me through the glass would be scary let alone the glass breaking. I don't think this will change my opinion on the zoo or gorillas. The gorillas are wild animals are are meant to live like they are supposed to in the wild. Though this shouldn't have happened the zoo is not to blame. No one got hurt and the glass is being replaced. 

    • Exactly! I couldn't agree with you more on this. I don't think it is the zoo's fault. The gorillas are stuck behind glass, they pry do get annoyed by everyone looking at them when they're suppose to be in the wild. 

  • i wouldn't feel scared because the zoo keepers will stop the animals from attacking.

    no because people have been and are still studying for years and they know how gorillas behave

  • No it wont change my mind about an animal,animals do that its natural maybe the little girl was doing something she shouldnt have been doing. Also when my siblings were at the zoo a lion charged at them and it was perfectly fine they were a little scared but still like to go see them.

  • I would be scared if a gorilla broke the class, but again you have to remember that gorillas probably don't like to be in a small environment all the time and it probably does effect their mood.

    • Yeah, I think it does too. I think it would be tough having people staring at me too if I was stuck in a zoo.

  • I think it was bound to happen sooner or later, with all of the other stories of the gorilla pounding the glass.

  • I think it would be really interesting to see this.

  • It only broke one of the three layers so i wouldn't be worried. Plus their is staff that would  like tranquilize it before it got out. I like gorillas so i could keep going to see them.

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