A concussion is caused by rapid shaking of the brain. Doctors in New Jersey looked back at the concussion records of 212 teenagers and 110 boys and 102 girls. That Study shows that the average recovery time for concussions in girls is 28 days. The average recovery time for boys is 11 days. There are multiple ways that it can be longer for girls. More girls have small necks and the smaller the neck the less shock absorbed. After a concussion some people get severe headaches and if they had them before the concussion then it takes the body longer to recover. Some scientists are question the study method because to know for sure if you have a concussion you need a test. Concussions is a big problem in the world because they make it so the players can't play.




Why do you think that the doctors made this study?

I think they made this study to prove to people that concussions could take longer depending on the person's body.



Do you think that they would have needed to have more people in the study?

I think that they needed to have a lot more people to make it more specific and have the same amount have girls as boys.


https://newsela.com/read/girls-concussion-recovery/id/36023/ ;

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  • You only commented a few times and had 7 pages of comments. Be sure to capitalize key words in your title as well.

  • I think that docotors mad this study to just compare feamales brians and males brains and if they do get injured like getting a concussion then how do they heal and how fast does it take them to heal. I think they had a pretty good ammount of people in the study you can always use more people to help out with the research. 

  • I think the study was made so that doctors better understand the healing ways of the body and how a different body type affects your healing time.

    I beleive they have enough people to have accurate results and an accurate study

  • To prove that different genders have difference come back times and that they are affected by the samething differently. Just depends as long has they have a control group. But no if they tested the theroy more than 10 times then you dont really need to do it more.

  • To make a real case they should've tested more people. That's like making a test of somethings consistency but only testing it twice. Its not accurate.

  • Tests that always take in population will never directly relate to the whole. There will always be some outlier that stands out from the rest, and it can either skew results, or not change them at all, depending on whether or not it is added in. I think this is why they need more people in the study, because they need to have the outlier added in, and if it already is, it should be watered down by more people added. 

  • I think they did it to compare the difference between genders when it comes to concussions so then maybe they know how to treat you when you come in to get checked out at the doctors.

  • I think they made this study to help girls to recover faster to get back to their normal life. No i don't belive they would have and they number of boys and girls were pretty close.

  • I think to see how much time can people get a concusion just by doing different types of activities. I think they would need more people for the study so the doctors can see how can people get a concusion in different ways.

  • I belive that they made this a study to show that different body types/genders could take longer to recover from a concussioin. I think that more people and the same amount of girls and boys would make this study more acurate and precise.

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