Ebola in the U.S.: Who pays the bills?

been working around the clock to get its facilities up to par and it staff fully trained in the unlikely event that patient with the deadly virus walks through the emergency room doors. when all is said and done, the price tag to become Ebola-ready could cost the hospital between $10 and $15 million, though its remains unclear who will ultimately pay the bills.  no one don't who will pay the bills most the Ebola people stay in the hospital never got out yet,

will you pay for the bills if you have Ebola or not?  why Ebola spread so fast in the big city?

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  • Mark,

    Be sure to proofread or have someone else proofread to make your summary better overall. Be sure to always capitalize words that should be. You also did not provide a link to the story or reply to comments.

  • i wouldn't be able to pay the bills that a lot of money. Probably why it spreading to city because City are not cleanest environment out there

  • i dont know anyone who has that kind of money and it would take a long time to pay that so i couldnt pay them 

  • I would pay bills for Ebola, and I would still be stable enough with all the money I have. It spreads fast because there are so many people around. 

  • I wouldn't be able. I can't think of anyone I personally know who could spend that kind of money either. 

  • If i got ebola because someone else was reckless enough to walk around knowing that they have it then I would not be happy to pay the bill. It spreads so fast in the city because it is a heavily populated area where many people touch the same things, and share the same personal space. 

  • I would pay to get cured for Ebola. The 10-15 million that the hospital is spending will probably come from tax payers. I think it's spreading so fast is because people come into contact with other people a lot in one day.

  • I don't know, I'm sure insurance would be a big help. And it spreads faster because there's a lot more people. Especially when there's a lot of buses/trains etc, there are a lot more germs.

  • If I got ebola, then I would probably want health insurance or something to help me with it. It get around the big city so fast because there are a lot of people there and that means more germs and that means anyone could get ebola

  • Ebola is passed to people from those who already have it. It isn't your fault that you get it intentionally. You shouldn't be the one to pay because they are trying to help you recover from a disease that was imposed onto you so you shouldn't pay for your recovery.

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