Drones Saving Lives

On Thursday morning in Australia, a lifeguard had been alerted that two men had been caught in a "turbulent surf". As soon as the lifeguard noticed what was going on he started up the drone and headed that way. Within 70 seconds of the drone being in the air it was able to drop a "rescue pod". For most lifeguards, it would have taken them a couple of minutes to figure the drone out; however, the lifeguard on duty was training for type of situations like these. Luckily in the month of December Australia’s government decided to invest over $300,000 into drones. The drone that was used is known as the "Little Ripper" it can be used for saving life’s and for shark spotting. 

 Click here to see the drone in action!

1.) Do you think drones are a good thing to keep around if they help with things like this? If yes or no please explain? 

2.) What are some other things that you think would be a cool features to drones?

Personal Anwsers:

1.) I think that drones are a good thing to keep around as long as they dont get into the wrong hands like a child because sometimes they go into planes or do something that they dont really know is illegal. 

2.) I think it would be cool to great some type of drone that helps like go up way into the universe so we could see it in something differet. Or if we cold build drones that would help restraunts with delievery. Really anything would be cool as long as they help people get around and do things safetly. 


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  • 1. I have mixed feelings about drones because they are fun and a good way to get kids outside to discover things. But I have also heard of people driving drones into prisons giving drugs to the inmates.

    2. It would be pretty cool if drones could tell us if a storm was coming determined by the pressure in the sky as they fly. 

    • Wow! I havent ever heard of that, but that is very creappy, bizar, and kind of scary. Also your second one would be pretty cool to see in the near future. 

  • I think that drones are a good thing to keep around in situations like this. I also think that if drones could become more affordable it would be even more beneficiail to the world. As long as drones are being used for the right purposes they're beneficial but in other cases such as terrorism or invasion of privacy, I don't like them. I think that drones would be more cool if they were more affordable or if they had specific examples of tasks that drones can complete. We always hear about how amazing drones are and some crazy things they're doing, but we want to know about some of them simple, everyday things they can do.

    • I totally agree with you 100% because sometimes people take technology and turn it into bad and use it to kill people and stuff like that which really is the bad side to this. 


  • bump

  • 1.  Yes, if it save life it will be benifit to people all around, and family will feel a little safer.

    2.  Detect injuries on a person if seioirs they can send for an abulance .

    • That would be a cool feature unsure how that would be done, but ill leave that up to the profesinals. 

  • For this reason, drones would be helpful. However I personally would much rather be rescued by a human being rather than a drone because not a single rescue situation is going to be exactly the same. Some rescues might be too complicated or challenging for drones, especially since the drone doesn't have common sense or quick thinking programmed into it. I think a cool feature for a drone would be to transport mail for Amazon or online companies, making delivery easier, especially for rural communities.

    • I think your right; however, sometimes people saving us is to dificult. I bet in the near future somebody will be able to tell how to do millions of things with a drone. Amazon does have a delivery service with drones; however, its only where amazon faculities are built, which is kind of a let down. 

  • 1. I definitely think that drones could be the future, as long as we don't get too wrapped up in it. They can aid us in many different types of life-saving situations. They can save lives in faster, and more efficient ways than most others. Although, I do think that they have thier limitations. We should take small steps, starting with them aiding life-depending events, not simply picking up the mail from your front porch for you.

    2.  I agree. I think that it would be cool if we could create drones that could withstand most limitations and go into the Earths surface or into space.  It could definitley expand our knowledge. 

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