Does social media do more bad than good?


Everyone has some sort of social media. Is that better for us? or worse? Almost everything gets tossed around on social media, it's the fastest way of gossip. Although social media can be good for learning purposes like watching what's happening around the world, asking siri questions like, “What's the perfect time to toast bread” things like that. But there's another side of social media where people are mean or they make rumors about someone, post explicit pictures for “revenge” on people. The majority of bad is comments on posts. It always makes me think about the phrase your parents used to tell you, "if you have nothing nice to say, dont say it at all."


Anything can be said when you're hiding behind a screen and you won't have consequences for saying anything bad. I think a lot of people use social media this way. Even if they don't intend to, just putting something that could be a joke to you and your friends, could be taken as an insult by the other person. I think social media does more bad than good. There are plenty of good things on social media, however even a harmless video of someone's new puppy, people comment things on and try to turn it into something bad. 

Do you think social media does more good or bad? 


What's the last thing you did on social media?

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    • I agree, I think what people do and say on social media says a lot about the person. people can also turn anything on social media, including the entertainment, around and make it negative. 

  • I think that social media does more bad than good. Yes, it is nice to be able to connect with people, but most people aren't just doing that. Most people waste hours of each day staring at their phone. I think that social media should just disappear. I will be honest, sometimes I am guilty of wasting my time on social media.

    • I agree, its nice to connect through it. Thats probably the nicest part of social media.

  • It kind of does both good and bad. It helps permote all kinds of things. On the other hand it can also spread lies about people that aren't true. The last thing i did was probubly scroll through Tik Tok.  

  • I think social media does a lot of good and a lot of bad. It is a big converstaion so there is multiple reasons on why it is good or bad. Most people would say its bad but that might be beacuase they are anti social media.

    • I agree to an extent. I think people say its bad because they've seen things on social media that prove it. Like, people bullying, starting arguments out of no where, body shaming, threatening, and more. I think theres a lot of reasons people think its bad. 

  • I think social media is both. I think that it can be negitive or postitive. Lots of people can be judged wrongly instead of what they had actually do. People can mix up words and falsly acussing them. But the positives are that you can see what people ar up to but it is a 50/50.

  • I think that social media can be both. There is almost always negtive stuff about everything if you don't use it correctly. If were using it in a wrongful way it can be harmful but if don't then it could be good. It depends on the site and person using it.

    • I agree, it depends on the person and how they choose to comment or post on it, 

  • I think there are pros and cons to social media, the good things are you can talk to your friends whenever you need to, but also it teaches kids/people that you dont need to speak in person. Which makes it harder on kids to get jobs because they dont know how to talk in person to anyone.

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