Does social media do more bad than good?


Everyone has some sort of social media. Is that better for us? or worse? Almost everything gets tossed around on social media, it's the fastest way of gossip. Although social media can be good for learning purposes like watching what's happening around the world, asking siri questions like, “What's the perfect time to toast bread” things like that. But there's another side of social media where people are mean or they make rumors about someone, post explicit pictures for “revenge” on people. The majority of bad is comments on posts. It always makes me think about the phrase your parents used to tell you, "if you have nothing nice to say, dont say it at all."


Anything can be said when you're hiding behind a screen and you won't have consequences for saying anything bad. I think a lot of people use social media this way. Even if they don't intend to, just putting something that could be a joke to you and your friends, could be taken as an insult by the other person. I think social media does more bad than good. There are plenty of good things on social media, however even a harmless video of someone's new puppy, people comment things on and try to turn it into something bad. 

Do you think social media does more good or bad? 


What's the last thing you did on social media?

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  • I think that social media can be both. There will always be a negitive side to almost anything. I think that people make mistakes by posting certain topics, or even making unecessary comments, but I think that if we didn't have it, the world would be a lot more behind on the latest things, ideas, and we couldn't show people things we know, learned, or can do. I personally do not have social media, my parents won't let me, but all of my friends have one or more apps

    • I agree, anyone can turn anything around to be negative. I also think people who post things without thinking about them, depending on the person, would regret it later. I think its mostly when the post gets a lot of attention when they will re-think it and maybe feel bad. 

  • In my opion social media is good if you use it the correct way. It can also be bad if you use it poorly. Social media is a great way for kids to talk to one another and not having to be sitting right next to them. It is also bad because some be bully other kids on it. 

  • I believe that social media can be good but sometimes very hurtful. Social media is the main source of bullying, the spread of drama, and many other things young people shouldn't experience. However, social media can be a creative space for young adults to express themselves. Social media influences so many people's live whether that's good or bad. 

    • I agree, theres good things on social media too and help people express themselves. I also agree it has a big influence on people lives either way. 

  • I think social media does more bad than good. I understand there are some good things but many people use it to spread false rumors and it can really affect some people. People's lives were much more simple and no one compared themselves to other people back then. They just lived life to the fullest.

  • I think that it can be harder to communicate with other people online than face to face. Some people are more brave online and say bad things they never would say to another person in real life, it's just easier for them to hide behind a username. Moreover, the other person also doesn't see your facial expression or hear your tone, so they can understand things wrong. 

    • I agree, its hard to tell sometimes if someone is joking or actually being mean on social media because you cant hear their tone or facial expression. 

  • I think that in some sense, that social media does more bad than good, but it is also fine to use if you are careful about it, and use it for positivity, and not drama or bullying. Personally, I would say that social media doesn't negatively effect me,  with drama and things like that, but I know that times can change, and that it probably won't be good in the long run. I can and do definetly see how it can ruin friendships, or cause harm to many people.

  • I think that social media does more bad than good because it starts a lot of drama that carries on to school and causes fights or disputes between people. It can also cause rumors or bullying that can harm a persons reputaions. Social media can also influence kids to do bad or harful things.

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