Does Social Media Contribute to Teenage Suicide?

Social media is a big part of lives today. From tiktok to snapchat, many teenagers find themselves spending most of their time on social media. Within social media, there is cyberbullying. Kids have been subject to harrassment and bullying from kids in their school. Online mesages, videos, photos, or anything that can make someone feel bad and down about themselves all can lead to one subject. Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among people ages 10-34. Though there are ways to prevent teenage suicide, there is no way to tell if someone is being bullied until they attempt. 

As a teenager, I believe social media does contribute to teenage suicide. Many kids are bullied through social media apps like snapchat, tiktok, or instagram. Though bullying is common in teenagers everywhere, there will be a chance to save someone you know. Bullying happens often in our school. I have been bullied, others have been bullied, and there are bullies. Nobody known what is going on in someones life. No matter how much you dislike or despise someone, bulling is not the answer.

Do you think social media contributes to teenage suicide? Why?


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  • I think that social media 100% does. Apps like snapchat, can really cause problems. Such as, caring what others think. I think that it would be good for many people to just take a break off of social media for at least and week. I think many people would feel much better. 

    • I agree. There have been many times where I have felt better after I took a break from social media. Social media can be a leading cause of why kids are hurting themselves. Many kids get bullied or feel like they are not good enough the way they are.

  • I do think that social media contributes to teen suicide to a certain extent. For example, if I go onto social media for a couple of hours my mental health won't decrease unless someone is being a jerk on the platform I would've been on. I don't think that social media does a lot I think it is on the people that are using it.

    • I believe that after time of being bullied and harrassed, kids have a hard time finding a way to love themselves. Bullying breaks down a lot of the self esteem and care someone would have for themselves.

  • In my opinion, I think it does. Social media is viral for teens these days and they are so connected to it that they say "they can't live without it", but in reality, it's almost like they have a better chance of living without it. Many harassment issues and assault threats happen on social media and it's tough to stop them. 

    • I agree. many kids get bullied online and it has become a large problem all over the world. I notice that kids use technology as a mask to bully and get away with it.

  • I think that social media is a contributing factor to teen suicide. I think there are a lot of teenagers out there who are bullied through social media. Most of the people who bully on social media will not say it to that persons face. Also I think a lot of the people who bully are doing it just to make them feel better about themself.

    • I agree. Many kids get bullied on social media, and there are many people who believe that they will have a better life than others when they bully kids. Bullying is never the answer to a problem. There are many resources that can be acessed for help.

  • I believe that social media can lead to teen suicide. I think that there are many teenagers out there who get bullied on social media, and I think that cyberbullying is hurting many people. Also, teens can see other people living better lives on social media.

    • Many kids see people living their best lives and they want to live like that too. Eventually they push themselves over the edge, and they can get hurt over it. Many kids have been bullied now that social media has been more and more popular.

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