Does Social Media Contribute to Teenage Suicide?

Social media is a big part of lives today. From tiktok to snapchat, many teenagers find themselves spending most of their time on social media. Within social media, there is cyberbullying. Kids have been subject to harrassment and bullying from kids in their school. Online mesages, videos, photos, or anything that can make someone feel bad and down about themselves all can lead to one subject. Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among people ages 10-34. Though there are ways to prevent teenage suicide, there is no way to tell if someone is being bullied until they attempt. 

As a teenager, I believe social media does contribute to teenage suicide. Many kids are bullied through social media apps like snapchat, tiktok, or instagram. Though bullying is common in teenagers everywhere, there will be a chance to save someone you know. Bullying happens often in our school. I have been bullied, others have been bullied, and there are bullies. Nobody known what is going on in someones life. No matter how much you dislike or despise someone, bulling is not the answer.

Do you think social media contributes to teenage suicide? Why?


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  • I think that social media can contribute to teen suicide. Many teens are bullied through social media, and many kids say stuff online that they would never say to someones face. Cyberbullying hurts kids feelings and needs to be stopped.

    • I agree. Cyber bullying is a big problem in today's society. There are so many more kids who end up hurting themselves because they are bullied.

  • My opinion is that social media does contribute to teenage suicide, kids are bullied through apps and there are ways to prevent teenage suicide, and  if someone is being bullied it can get worst. I do hope that no one I know tries to commit suicide.

    • I agree. Many kids go through terrible experiences online. Kids are bullied, and they often try to get out of it. Kids start to believe they are worthless after being broken down so many times while being bullied.

  • I think that social media is a part of teenage suicide because people see things on social media that make them feel like they aren't worth anything. When they feel like this they end up killing themselves because they don't want to feel like a no-one anymore.

    • Bullying brings people down so fast, and it breaks them apart. Overtime they will lose hope and want to give up the fight. Social media allows an extra step in getting away with bullying.

  • I do think that social media plays a part in teenage suicide. Social media has gotten very toxic and dangerous for teenagers and people. I think social media can sometimes have a positive effect, but it can also have a very negative effect on some.

    • I think that there are a lot of people who face challenges due to the bullying on social media.

  • I certainly think that it probably has a big role in teenage suicide. A lot of people/teenagers make fun of people on social media a lot and it probably takes a toll on teenagers around the globe. It's sad that people will bully someone online for something. 

    • I agree that it brings a lot of people down. There are ao many times where I just see people use social media as a cover for bullying.

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