Democratic Party Files Lawsuit

The Democratic Party filed a lawsuit alleging a conspiracy agaist the Trump Campaign. The Democratic Party on this past Friday filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit agiast President Trump saying that the Russian Government and Wikileaks influenced the election. They filed the civil suit in a federal district court in Manhatten. The suit claims that President Trump's offcials  worked with the Russian Government in order to help President Trump win and bring down Hilary Clinton. 

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1. Do you believe that Russia influenced the Presidential Election in 2016?

No I do not believe it was influenced at all. This is just another claim The Democrats are claiming in order to try and bring down President Trump. 

2.  Do you think that The Democratic Party should be spending millions of dollars on this in order to get to the truth?

No, I think it is a waste of money. I do not know were the money is coming from though which concerns me.

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  • Good job replying! I do think your summary is brief overall.

  • I don't really think that this happened, and I agree that it is just the Democrats trying to find some way to get Trump in trouble or out of the office. I think that the Democratic Party should be spending this money on something else that will actually benefit the country or our people.

  • I don't think that really happened. Russia doesn't really like the United States and our democracy-style government, so I don't know why they would be motivated help the pro-capitalism, pro-democracy candidate win the election. If anything, you would think they would try to get Clinton in since her platform had more socialist beliefs than Trump had, and Russia would be more likely to try to make us turn to socialism/communism. I don't think the Democratic Party should spend millions of dollars because I think they're living in the past and need to get over the fact that Trump won the election.

  • I was not here when that happened but I have been in a country where the president made tricks to win the elections even though he had less people voting for him,so I think that they should make big investigations to discover the truth

    I believe they if they have enough proof to say that Trump influenced the elections I think they should try to suit them so we can discover what really happened in those elections

  • 1.) No, I don't think there was any other influence that the campaign itself. I understand that some people are upset and don't understand why Clinton wasn't voted to be president, but Trump is already president which won't change in the next time. 

    2.) I don't think this amount of money is necessary to get the truth about the election. 

  • I think that people just need to get over the fact that Trump won the election. It was two years ago can we drop this and stop acting like sue happy kids and deal with somthing else. Thy should spnd more money on other things that they feel is important.

  • I don't understand how they would I mean the Russia government really can influence there people and those people aren't US citizens so they don't get to vote anyway so why would it matter? If they did have an influence it is their own right to like Trump. No, I think its a waste of money and I know he's the president but will the scandals ever stop? 

  • I dont know.


  • I also think nthis is a waste of money. There is way better ways to spend the tax dollars than trying to bring Donald Trump down. It will only last four years anyway so I would say just let it blow over. Yes it would be a travisty if Russia did influence the election, but Trump will not be allowed to do anything unconstitutional under the checks and balances system.

  • I don't think so, because it all just seems like another reason that came about for people to hate Trump and support Democrats. And I'm not sure why people think Putin, who is an enemy of Trump, would help him come to power. And this seems like a waste of money too for something that might not even be true. The election happened, Trump's our president, and we have to respect that, I say. 

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