Defunding the Police

            In the 1960s people started the movement knows as defund the police. People wanted to take money from cops and law enforcement while at the same time reduce crime in the United States. The slogan however became common in protests of George Floyd in May of 2020.

          People all around the globe took the money away from police and would you know it, crime went up. People then realized why cops need money so the people gave them more money and then crime lowered and finally people realized that police need money to protect the place that they are set to roam. If people really did take all of the money away from police it would lead to more chaos and increase crime in areas that are already seeing increased crime in that area.  

          Personally I am not a fan of defunding the police or for it because they are there to protect us and protect society but if we take that away then it will get alot worse because without money means not enough access to resources to train those who join the police force, and that leads to more casualties in the world and we don't need anymore of that because police already risk their lives for us.


What are your thoughts on defunding the police?

Do you support the movement or not?,sorts%20for%20the%20defund%20movement%22,to%20lack%20of%20accessible%20funds,the%20murder%20of%20George%20Floyd

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  • I do not support this movement at all. I think that the police play a very important role in keeping everyone around us safe. I think that by taking all the funding out of the police a lot of them will quit due to low pay. I think police officers should get paid more for their job. 

    • The movement is pretty stupid and I feel that the people don't know what they are talking about or doing

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