Deadly diseases are making a comeback

These days it's easy to believe that diseases don't exist. The readily available stream of medicines and vaccines make it seem like any illness can be simply cured with a pill or medication. Recently some deadly illnesses are being brought back. With the current trend of ice melting from global warming, diseases are being released from the ice. The illnesses are coming from infected bodies of people and animals that were frozen in the ice and are now melting out. A lot of scientists are concerned about this being a problem because these diseases are uncommon or eradicated so there aren't always cures.

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What do you think about global warming? 

What do you think of these newly released illnesses?

I think it's pretty scary that these diseases are being released again since we don't have vaccines for some of them. Global warming is a huge problem and we need to stop it or at least help. If this doesn't get people to do something I don't know what will.

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    • Hopefully the scientists can make a cure for the diseases if they do end up being a big problem. Being aware of the potential problem before it is a big problem should help with the time.

  • I think that Global Warming is an uprising issue but I honestly don't know much about it to give an opinion. With the issues coming into play in recent news, it might be an important topic I need to look into. Gaining knowledge on important topics is what teens should do considering we are the future of the nation. 

  • I think that Global Warming is a big problem, and it needs to be fixed in order for our planet to survive. I think that these newly released diseases are a problem as well, and i would be very concerned about it, because i would not want to get sick. 

    • Yes, major global warming is a big problem that we can hopefully limit the damage from before it gets too bad. Hopefully we can do the same with the diseases.

  • I talked about global warming on another post, so go check it out. But I think that this is very interesting. I never really thought about something like this happening but it does make sense. These diseases could cause a lot of problems. With the overcrowded spaces we have today, disease can spread very quickly and easily. Also, like I said in my other post, this may be another way of getting rid of humans. 

    • As the ice melts, I guess all kinds of stuff that has been buried for thousands of years will get uncovered. So who knows, maybe the plague will come back or something, but hopefully not.

    • I have also never thought about this happening but it does make sense now that you think about it. These diseases could definitely cause a lot of problems because they can spread so fast. 

  • I think that it exists, but maybe not as extreme as people say it does. I think that it could cause the end of the human race if it's not contained.

  • I think its something to worry about because if it keeps happening and getting  worse at the sametime certain animals are going to die that need the ice to survive and it can cause floods in certain areas in the world. It pretty bad that they are coming back and killing people because if they are like rare illnesses and barely show up we dont have meds for them because there rare. 

    • Obviously you know a lot more about global warming and it sounds like a serious issue from all the news I see and hear about. It will be awful if we lose a significant amount of animals to this. The diseases might not only effect us, but also the animals that live on the ice. 

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