Cub Saved by Oregon Man

A man from Oregon was on a hike when he spotted a bear cub laying near the trail. On Monday, Corey Hancock was was hiking on the Santiam River trail when he spotted a 3 month old cub on the trail. The cub was "motionless" and Hancock thought that the cub could be dead. The cub twitched a couple of times which indicated he was not dead, so he waited for about ten minutes just in case the mother bear came back for the cub. He took the cub to the Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center and was thanked for the efforts in saving the cub but was told that he should have left the cub there. By taking the cub, the animal will probably not be reunited with its mother and will not learn necessary survival skills. 

1. What would you have done if you came across a cub laying in the middle of a trail?

2. Do you think he made the right decision in taking the cub?

I would have probably left the cub there just because I wouldn't have known where to take the cub. I think he made a good decision because he thought the cub was going to die and needed help, but I think he maybe could have contacted park officials before taking the bear. 

Read the full story here!

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  • I would have probably taken the cub to my house and called someone like a animal reserve to come get it and take good care of it. I do think he made the right decision in taking the cub because i would have felt bad if i would have left it there and it would have died. 

    • I also think if I would have left the cub there, I would have regretted it. Even though it might be the right thing to do, it would be really hard to leave the cub sitting there when you think it might be dying. 

  • If I found that bear cub, I would probably have left it alone in hopes that the mother bear would return for it, and if not, that the park rangers or someone would rescue it. I would inform the park officials as soon as possible about the cub. I wouldn't want to risk the mother coming along right as I'm taking the cub and going actual Mama Bear on me. I think he made the best decision he could given the circumstances, because he didn't want to just leave the cub there to die.

  • I would have left the cub there, mainly because I know if  I touched the cub my scent would cause the mother to reject it. However, I may have called park officials to let inform them, and get further information on what to do.  I think he made a good decision, but it might have just been better to let the mother take care of her cub. 

  • Called the nursery center and have them see what would be the best course of action and have them deal with it cause there are too many risks involved with rescuing a bear cub. Yes, but it's not the best in the long run as the park officials have noted that the cub won't be reunited with it mother and therefore not learn any necessary survival skills

  • I would leave the cub there and contact the park officials for more instructions. I think he made the right decision because he though the cub was in danger and wanted to save it.  

  • I would probably leave it since if I touched it it wouldn't receive proper care from its mother. I think it was okay that he brought it to them, but he probably should have left it there so that it wouldn't be rejected.

  • I would probably leave it there because 1st of all I would be to scared to move it and 2nd of all I know not to touch baby animals because the scent from you would be left on it and the mom would no longer want the baby. I don't think he made the right decision because now the bear won't probably survive. 

    • The fact that the mother would no longer want it because of my scent would make me want to leave the cub where it is. I also don't think he made the right decision because the bear won't be able to survive in the wild.

  • If I come across a cub , I will probably run cause you never know when the mother is going to attacked you, he is right when he takes the cub because he wanted to help, and also he is wrong because he was lucky enough that the mother did not appear but if she did then that would have risked his life!

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