Since Tuesday morning (11/7/17) the air in New Delhi, the Indian capital, is extremely polluted. On Tuesday afternoon all schools closed; on Wednesday, incoming trucks were banned and civil construction projects halted and on Thursday, they announced new plans for a partial ban on private car use. The US embassy in New Delhi measured an air quality index (AQI) of 1,000; the World Health Organization considers anything above 25 to be unsafe. The microscopic particles are so small that they can lodge deep in the lungs and also pass into other organs, which causes serious health risks. A research group found out that breathing in the polluted air is roughly equivalent to smoking 44 cigarettes a day. Experts say that the pollution is made up of a combination of vehicle exhaust, smoke from garbage fires and crop burning, and road dust. The sale of masks and air purifiers has obviously gone up, but a big problem is that many residents of Delhi are either unaware of the dangers of breathing in polluted air, or are unable to afford masks and other protective measures.

Click here to read the full story.


  1. If you lived in New Delhi, would you stay there or would you move? And how would you try to protect yourself?
  2. Do you think that air pollution is only a problem in big cities in Asia? Or do you think that it also affects us and that we should be thinking about our lifestyle too?

My answers:

  1. I guess I would stay with relatives that don’t live in New Delhi for a while, but I’m not sure if I would move completely because I probably love this city because it’s my home. I would try to only leave my house when I have to and also buy masks and other things that they offer because I think that your own health really isn’t something where you should try to save money on.
  2. I think that it is mostly a problem in big cities, which doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to live as sustainable as possible. We only have one planet that is our home, and we should make it our first priority to protect it. I also think that the people who are involved in politics should do more to protect the earth because to me that seems to be way more important than for example the economy.

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  • Your summary is very well done! Be sure to comment throughout the week as you did very well earlier in the week.

  • I would move, i don't like big cities so the air quality would make it an even more obvious choice for me. I also wouldn't want my family living in those kinds of conditions so i would definitely move.

    It happens most in big cities just because of the population and the amount of pollution they make. I still think we should try to limit the amount of pollution because if we keep polluting then it wont just be in big cities it will be everywhere.

  • If I lived in New Delhi, I would try to move. I would want to protect my health by finding a different place to live for a while until the pollution problem was solved. No, I don't think that air pollution is only a big problem in big cities. Pollution is a problem everywhere all the time. People need to be aware that pollution is a problem and they need to be thinking about their lifestyle's too.  

  • I would leave immediately once i was aware of this because I feel my life and my family is way more important than where I am located at you can always pick up and move and I would. I think it affect everyone but I think countries who obviously do not care and are heavily populated they just live by it. 

  • If I lived in New Delhi, I would definitely move out of the city because it is so polluted and toxic. I would protect myself by getting a mask so that I'm not breathing in the air so much. I know that Asia's not the only polluted country.

  • If I lived in New Delhi I would eventually move because all that inhalation of the smoke can cause diseases or illnesses in the near future. I would try to protect my self by staying inside buildings all the time and always having an air filter in the room. I think that air pollution not only affecting the big cities but the neighboring towns and lands. I think after a long period of time it is going to spread and starting affecting the whole earth. 

  • I don't know if I would stay because its not healthy and I think health is a very important factor of life. The only reason I would stay is if I had family there. If i did stay I would try to stay inside or not breath in the outside air as much I don't really know honestly. I think air pollution is mainly a problem in big cities but it affects everyone 

  • I would stay there because I am not going outside in stuff like that. I would try and protect myself as best as could so I do not get and cancer or diseases. No I think that it effects everyone no matter where you live in the world.  

  • If I lived in New Delhi I am not sure if I would stay there. It's not like you know for certain the air pollution won't be cleared up or at least improve and get better. But in the moment of living conditions and overall danger of living there I would probably end up leaving that place to a cleaner place. Air pollution is a problem everywhere but big cities have to deal with way more of it due to more people to pollute it. 

  • I would try to move because that isn't a good way of living. Till I got a new place and job I would just use a facemask to try and not breath in so much of the bad stuff. It defiantly affects everyone even if it is mostly affecting the big cities. All that air pollution is causing damage to the whole earth even if it mostly located over bigger cities. Its just like fires. A fire in Asia can affect us in the US. 

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