Are movie theaters dying?

They say that over the last couple of years, ever since streaming services have come out, that movie theaters are dying. Most people would rather stay home, turn on Netflix, and go to bed. But they say that this simple thing created to benefit entertainment is ruining a lot of business for movie theaters around the world. I mean think of it, why would anyone go see a movie, if they could just wait a few months for it to come out on a streaming service, that they can pay a monthly subscription for? Well, hopefully, I can change your mind about it. 

Today most film studios are rethinking whether theatrical releases are worth it. Some think that nobody will want to go see a movie in a theater over time. Now I know I may be overstating this whole topic, and that people will still go to the theater when a movie comes out. But during the pandemic, it really crashed the movie theater market. Now I understand that the COVID-19 pandemic shut down movie theaters and made it harder to go. So not only did that delay a lot of movies coming out so people couldn't see them, but I think it made people stop caring. So I'll tell you why you should keep going to the movies. 

I think Quentin Tarantino said it best. "When a movie comes out that you are interested enough to see, and it makes you want to leave your house, and buy a ticket, and you could do anything in the world you want that night. But you decide to see a film. One film in particular, and you go to see it on your own, maybe it's in the afternoon or maybe it's with a date or somebody, and you go to see it. And you sit down and you have an experience with a bunch of strangers. And at that moment, once the movie gets going, you become combined with others. And when you have a good experience, those are the things that stay in your mind and you keep with you for the rest of your life."

Obviously, I don't think that everything will change, if at all. We have seen that the box office still succeeds with releases like Top Gun: Maverick and Avatar 2. So in the end, it's up to the person, whether they will go to the movies or not. But I think going rather than waiting for a streaming service to release it, is a way better idea. 


Do you think movie theaters are dying?

Would you rather go see a movie, or stay at home and watch a streaming service?


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  • I think that movie theaters are dying because now people are able to watch movies on streaming services from home. Personally, I would rather go to a movie theater to watch a movie, but it is nice to just be able to sit at home and watch whenever I please.

  • I don't think that movie theaters are dying but I think they are definitely not as popular as they were. I think when we were kids they were very popular and I would go see new movies all the time. But now I would rather just stay at home and watch a movie, I think that streaming platforms have taken them over.

    • Yeah, they have become less popular over time. 

  • As of right now, I don't personally think that movie theaters are dying. But I think they are becoming less popular than in the past, because of all of the movies you can watch on streaming services instead. If I had to choose between staying home or going to the movies, I would pick staying home and watching something on a streaming service. 

  • I dont think theaters are dying. I think it depends of the point of view. Elders go to the theater all the time, same thing with familys with small children. I think it depends on the movies that are in and if the new movie is on a different streaming device that you dont have. People arent just going to buy the whole channel to watch that one mive one time, its usually way cheaper to go to the theaters. 

    • Yeah, different movies attract different kinds of people. 

  • I think for some people movie theaters are dying, but for other people its still a thing. Like it would be a cute date for an elderly couple or for a family night. Honestly, i would rather stay at home, or watch a strwaming service because you dont have to pay for it, and you don't have to leave and have the a fear of seeing someone you know.

  • As of right now, I don't think movie theaters are starting to die, they seem to still be doing good enough to keep bringing in movies. Eventually, they will die out because of all the movie apps, people will just watch the majority of movies at home. But, a lot of movies come out into theaters before any app, so people may still go to the movies.

    • Yeah, I hope they keep it the way where you have to go see the movie, before it comes out on a service. 

  • I do think movie theaters are starting to die. I think that since there are a lot more online places where movies are streaming, most people just watch at home. You can pretty much watch any movie you want on Netflix, Disney+, Hulu. I would say that theaters in smaller towns are probably dying much more than the bigger theaters in the cities. 

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