Andrew Tate's Rise to Fame

If you have opened Tik Tok in the last couple of months, you have definitely seen Andrew Tate. If you don’t know who he is, he was a professional kickboxer who has blown up on Tik Tok because of his controversial views. Recently he has been banned from different social media platforms.


Andrew Tate was born in Washington D.C. on December 14th, 1986. He found his way onto the internet when he became a kickboxer in 2005. He would go on to win 17 out of his 19 fights. He also appeared on the show Big Brother in 2016. He was only on set for 6 days after being kicked off of the show. The reason being, a video of him beating a woman with a belt was posted on the internet.

Even after all of this, Andrew got back online. He put out an affiliate marketing program known as “Hustlers University” in 2021. The site would teach subscribers how to make money. However, the site wasn’t cheap, subscribers had to pay 50 dollars a month. Andrew would begin to blow up all over the internet a year later.

Out of nowhere clips of Andrew would be posted all over Tik Tok. He would become known as “The Top G.” In some of the clips, he would be saying controversial things. Some of these things included his traditional way of thinking. Like him believing that women belong in the kitchen and men should provide for them. Others would talk about good lessons like not vaping and being a mentally strong person. Recently, Andrew's accounts have been deleted by many social media accounts because of his controversial behavior.


All in all, I don’t think I know enough information about all of his many teachings to make an opinion about him. I think that some of the things he says are a little outlandish. However, I think he has good lessons in some of them too. I agree with his thinking of needing to be strong and having drive.


Do you think that Andrew Tate deserved the ban, Why?

Do you like or dislike Andrew Tate?

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    • I absolutely agree, he should talk about things different and not have such an aggressive approach. I feel like if he did that, he would have less people hating him. However, the hate brings more attention. I think he could've avoided the ban, but he brought light to situations that weren't talked about.

  • I think that Andrew Tate deserved the ban because he was teaching insecure little boys that women belong in the kitchen and are only good for cleaning and cooking. He thinks that men are superior and is overall sexist and egoistic. I definitely do not like him. He is a violent and narcissistic person. 

  • Andrew Tate is Top G The words he says are very intlegent have listend to many podcast with him on it and what he says it very good. and inspriring About how everybody is stuck in matrix and how school is scam.

  • I think that Andrew Tate deserved the ban, and that people should not be ok with a video of him hitting a women on the internet. I do not like Andrew Tate he is a extremely misongynistic man that has a huge ego that needs to needs to be knocked down a few pegs.

    • I don't think that it is cool to hit women, but I don't think he should've gotten banned. I think that some of his videos are a bit much, but I think he is more good than bad. He has a huge ego, but that's what makes him popular, It attracts attention.

  • I think that he deserved to be banned because alot of the stuff he says and people repost is the bad stuff. And he literally beat a women. I don't like him just from all the stuff on tiktok. I feel like his ego is to big.

  • I don't think he deserved the ban. he was sharing his opinions online for others to hear. he was also bringing up sensitive topics that don't get talked about much. plus he was teaching people how to become successful in life.

    • I agree, he shouldn't have gotten banned. He was talking about things that no one else talks about. People need to talk about those things. When someone tries to, they get banned on the internet. Some of his teachings were pretty good to know.

  • I think that he deserved the ban. No one that thinks beating women is okay should be on the internet. Me personaly I dislike him, over all he seems like a mean man.

  • I don't think he should be banned because hes speaking what he believe in but like you said he does say some things that probably shouldn't be said. I like andrew tate but again he says some things that shouldn't be said so i would understand if many people don't like him.

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